Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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January 2008 – New Year’s Day – A Walk in Ryde Cemetery

New Year's Day

Jan 1st 2008

The new year brought rain but it was still a pleasant and peaceful walk in Ryde Cemetery this morning. I didn’t see another person, but there were plenty of birds singing in the trees, bathing in the puddles and pecking on the ground. They did not seem bothered by my presence until I pointed the camera at them and then they flew off into the bushes and out of sight!

Even though it was wet underfoot the cemetery, as ever, looked very picturesque.


I even saw the first primrose, a reminder that in just a few weeks time a whole area of the Old Parish Cemetery will be carpeted with spring flowers.