Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Victorian Remedies

Victorian Remedies
Victorian Remedies

Known as Rev. JOSEPH HOLMES’ Mexican Prescription, is the only guaranteed Remedy for all those who suffer from nervous weakness, exhausted vitality, kidney or bladder diseases, gravel, prostate, spinal weakness, brain fag and kindred complaints, it has stood the test for twenty years. Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to Jos.Holmes’Remedy Co., Bloomsbury Mansions, Bloomsbury Square, London, and get full particulars of this great Specific free of charge. Mention whether for male or female.

or how about

DUNVILLE’S OLD IRISH WHISKEY is recommended by the medical profession in preferences to French Brandy. They hold the largest stock of whiskey in the world. Supplied in casks and cases, for home use and exportation. Quotations on application to DUNVILLE & Co., LIMITED, ROYAL IRISH DISTILLERIES, BELFAST.

or maybe just stick to

COOLING, REFRESHING, INVIGORATING.- An eminent General has declared that the best and safest drink … is Pure Tea. HORNIMAN’S TEA has long been famous for those properties most highly prized by all tea drinkers, viz., strength of liquor, delicacy of flavour, and delicious aroma. HORNIMAN’S TEA, being absolutely Pure, and of the young spring growth only, can be used as a constant beverage with good results…

Finally if you have a problem with vermin-

DEATH TO THE BEETLES.- the great advantage of Taylor’s Beetle Poison, for destroying Beetles, Cockroaches and all other Vermin, is that it is immediate in its effects, certain in its results, and is acknowledged by all who have tried it to be the only article really answering the purpose intended …Manufactured by FLOWER, Chemist, 13 Pier Street, Ryde.