Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Kate's presentation on Dolls' Houses
Kate's presentation on Dolls' Houses

As part of our Heritage Open Days and Ryde Social Heritage Group’s 10th Anniversary Celebrations last September, we had a ‘Ryde in Miniature’ exhibition depicting some of the businesses and buildings from Ryde’s past. This consisted of small scale representations of 32 business and buildings ranging from one of the oldest buildings, a fisherman’s cottage, right up to the present day Christmas Display at Busy Bee. Following the success of this Shelagh was approached by the Havenstreet Country Women Group and asked if someone from RSHG would do a talk on dolls houses and bring along some miniature items for their members to view.

On a cold, wet, January evening, Kate took along fellow miniature enthusiasts, Ann, Carol and Poppy, for moral support and to assist with a small display and the questions and answers session afterwards. Kate gave a short talk with slide show accompaniment. The slideshow illustrated some of the large projects that can be tackled by those whose dolls house hobby really takes over mind as well as room in one’s own full-sized house! The audience also really enjoyed viewing slides of many of the business and buildings depicted at our ‘Ryde in Miniature’ exhibition. Some smaller houses and projects, as well as a variety of dolls house people, furniture and accessories were displayed for the audience to view, handle and discuss afterwards.

It was a very enjoyable evening and we received a donation which has been paid into Ryde Social Heritage Group funds.

Photographs by Carol Strong