Strange Oil
With ever rising electricity and gas prices and promotions claiming a switch to a different energy supplier will save money, perhaps we should heed the 1918 advice from the Isle of Wight Observer and find out if Strange’s A 1 Crystal Oil is still available.
Despite the growth of electricity for domestic lighting, many of us still cling to the merits and advantages of the dainty and artistic lamp for drawing room and other purposes. One great merit of the oil lamp is its economy and if the oil is of the best possible quality, the light is just as brilliant as gas, and it certainly makes less dirt on the ceilings. But the highest economy is only found in the best oil, and if our readers desire to know a revelation in oil for lamp purposes we commend them to procure a supply of the best obtainable, namely, “STRANGE’S A 1 CRYSTAL OIL,” the merits of which the writer has personally tried for home lighting. Strange’s A 1 Crystal Oil has long been used in the Royal Household and His Majesty’s Government, and holding as it does a forty-year accident-free record, it may safely be accepted as the best and safest oil for domestic purposes. It is a very bright burning oil, absolutely free from smoke and smell and gives a far greater heat than any other oil retailed. It is ideal for ship purposes and for use on yachts and launches. Indeed for cooking as well as lighting and greenhouse-heating purposes it is unsurpassed, and we confidently recommend it to those who wish to study cleanliness as well as economy during the coming winter. A postcard addressed to the Safety Oil Co., Ltd., 17,College Hill, E,C., will bring along the address of the nearest agent. Only authorised agent for Ryde and the District.
As stated in this advert Strange’s A 1 Crystal Oil had been around for over 40 years and in the international press of the 1880s advertisements included testimonials from eminent people, including distinguished Isle of Wight residents such as Sir Collingwood Dickson, Baronet, of Gwydyr House, Ryde.
Sir Collingwood Dickson has much pleasure in informing Messrs. Woods that “The Strange’s A1 Crystal Oil” supplied him has been from 1871 until now of a uniformly good quality and great illuminating power; and further, he is perfectly satisfied with it.
H. S. Pakenham Mahon of Westbrook, Ryde also gave a testimonial.
Sir,- I have much pleasure in certifying that, after some years trial of Strange’s A 1 Crystal Oil, for to six lamps daily, I find it burns extremely well, giving a brilliant light without any perceptible smell; in fact it is all that can be desired in an oil of that description.
Sources: IW Observer 9 February 1918
North Otago Times (New Zealand) February 14th 1884:
Image: Trett (Morgenstemning) by Christian Krohg from Wiki Commons
Article: Ann Barrett