Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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School Days

Dealing with the difference in behaviour of schoolboys in last century and their modern successors the Bishop of Portsmouth at Ryde School on Tuesday related how, in the old days, a young master taking his first class was greeted with uproar.

After twenty minutes, a whistle blew and silence descended while the young scholars waited to see how the new master would handle the situation.OldDesignShop_1880sSchoolBoy


“Who did that?” he demanded.

“I did, sir,” said a boy at the back, “Half-time!”

“Come out,” said the master, and the boy advanced.

“My poor boy, turn round,” continued the newcomer. “It was not half-time – it was a free kick!”



Source: Isle of Wight Times 7 March 1935
Photo source: olddesignshop/free vintage image & www.bbc.co.uk/schools & free vintage image