Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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News from Ryde July 1865

Lilium Auratum

Isle of Wight Observer:-

Jul 1st 1865: ENTERTAINMENT – We have great pleasure in directing your attention, announcing the visit of Dr. MARK and his Little Men. To the musical portion of our inhabitants a great treat is in store, and we sincerely hope they will avail themselves of it. Dr. MARK has in his possession a most magnificent dog, who seems to be quite a favorite amongst the Little Men.

Jul 1st 1865: RAILWAY – We have great pleasure in calling attention to the fact of the directors having put on a Sunday midday train, a convenience long required, and which will be especially gratifying to the industrial classes at this delightful season of the year.

Jul 1st 1865: LAD SAVED FROM DROWNING – On Coronation Day a lad named Albert GALE, about 14 years of age, was fishing off the pier, when he fell overboard. An alarm being raised, Robert HEWARD, a fisherman, rowed to the spot. He proceeded to the shore and took the boy into a house and used every means to restore animation, he was then taken to HEWARD’s house and put into a warm bed.

Jul 8th 1865: FÉTE AT WESTFIELD – Sir Augustus CLIFFORD has, with his accustomed kindness, given permission to the Ryde Workingmen’s Club to appropriate the beautiful grounds of Westfield on Monday next for a féte. We trust that this favor will be repaid by a total abstinence of all damage to either statuary or flowers.

Jul 8th 1865: NARROW ESCAPE – On Thursday afternoon last the passengers by the 5.30 coach from Newport had a very fortunate escape when at the top of Binstead Hill, they were almost in collision with a cart loaded with gravel. The passengers were, of course, in great consternation.

Jul 15th 1865: MUSICAL PROMENADES – The strong breezes of the past week have somewhat disconcerted these popular and fashionable musical attractions on the Pier; nevertheless, they have formed the chief item of interest to the frequenters of that renowned marine rendezvous.

Jul 15th 1865: ELECTION – It having been announced that Sir Charles LOCOCK, bart., would address the electors at Ryde on Thursday, a large and influential meeting of the electors assembled at the Town-hall at 8 p.m. Amongst those present were a goodly number of the resident gentry of the town.

Jul 15th 1865: COMMISSIONERS – The Chairman read a memorial from the shopkeepers, complaining of the great increase of hawkers throughout the town, who prayed the Board to deal with the matter at once. Mr. John HARBOUR thought they would move that the Town Crier be instructed to direct all parties to take their goods into the Market for sale, and if they refused to summon them.

Jul 22nd 1865: SAD ACCIDENT – A young man, a mason, named GATREL, son of Mr. Peter GATREL, who had a long time ago lost the sight of one eye, struck a lucifer match last week when a portion flew into his other eye and completely blinded him. It is hope that some kind friend will give him a letter of admission into an opthalmic hospital.

Jul 29th 1865: ROYAL VISIT – The inhabitants of Union-street were gratified on Monday last by seeing one of the Royal carriages drive down the street. It stopped at the entrance to the Arcade, and their Royal Highnesses the Princess Helena and Louise got out and walked to the photographic studio of Mr. Jabez HUGHES. They remained with him for some time.

Jul 29th 1865: FINE ARTS – We direct attention to the exhibition of a bust modelled by a self-taught artist of Ryde, Mr. Arthur HARRIS, and so far as we can judge the likeness is admirable, and the execution of great excellence.

Jul 29th 1865: GOLDEN RAY LILY – Mr. DIMMICK has two specimens of lilium auratum, the bulbs of which were recently imported from Japan, now in bloom, and they form an attractive novelty.