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Chrysanthemum – Flower of November

Chrysanthemums, New International Encyclopedia 1902

Chrysanthemums, sometimes called mums or chrysanths, are flowering plants of the genus Chrysanthemum in the family Asteraceae. They are native to Asia and north-eastern Europe. Most species originate from East Asia and the centre of diversity is in China. Countless horticultural varieties exist.
The name ‘chrysanthemum’ is derived from the Ancient Greek meaning gold flower and it is sometimes known as the flower of November. Chrysanthemums start blooming early in the autumn.

A very excellent show of chrysanthemums and fruit was opened at the Ryde Town Hall, on Thursday afternoon, by the Mayor (Mr. F. W. Randalll), who was accompanied by the Mayoress and was wearing his chain of office. The Ryde Exhibitions and Horticultural Association arranged the show.

It was far above the average of the shows which had previously been held in the town. The flowers were considerably above the average, both in quantity and quality. They were rejoiced on a dark and gloomy day, the beauty of the flowers that had treasured up the sunshine and now gave it out in their glory when there was no sunshine. As to fruit, they had never had anything approaching the show that day. In quantity alone there were three times more than last year, although that was considered a good one. From other parts of the Island, including their own town, there were splendid exhibits. Some marvellous pears, looking as if they had come from Jersey or France, were grown in Ryde. They were a credit to any place.

The trade shows of Messrs. Dimmick and Goble were excellent. The former showed a strikingly handsome anchor of chrysanthemums, roses, orchids and violets. Mr. G Bennett likewise exhibited a floral design with similar flowers and with “lapageria alba” in it. Mr. E Thornton was represented by a huge group of perfect bloom, and Mrs. Morritt’s 45 chrysanthemums was also very good. Miss Bertha Brook’s table decorations were much admired as was also Miss Miller’s.

On the same page of this newspaper there was a report on the 7th Annual Exhibition of the Newport Chrysanthemum Society, held on the Friday afternoon at the Drill Hall, Newport. ‘There was a record entry, and the quality of the blooms was of a very high standard.’

Source: General information on chrysanthemums – Wikipedia
Source: Isle of Wight Times 8 November 1906
Pictures source: Historical painting of chrysanthemums, Dodd, Mead and Company – New International Encyclopedia 1902; photograph ‘A Chrysanthemum Show’ by Jebulon (Wikimedia commons)