Ryde Christmastide
Generally speaking, the Christmas holiday was a quiet one in Ryde. On Christmas Day, as well as Sunday and Boxing Day, large numbers took advantage of the exceptional weather for a walk to Seaview or places in the vicinity, whilst the football at Partlands, the Black Diamond Minstrels, and Theatre and Cinema had plenty of patrons on Boxing Day.
The principal hotels had visitors and a good many travelled from the mainland to spend the holidays with their relatives and friends. Shop assistants had a capital holiday most of the establishments remaining closed until Wednesday morning. The church services were well attended and at the I.W. County Hospital the staff decorated the wards and everything possible was done for the enjoyment and comfort of the patients.
Christmas is always well kept at the I.W. County Hospital and this year was no exception to the rule thanks in a large measure to the gifts of subscribers and the arrangements made by the matron (Miss Williamson) and nursing sisters. The wards were made bright with tasteful decorations and a heavily laden tree sent by Mrs. Couldrey of Bembridge, provided presents for all. During the week the patients were permitted to invite two visitors each to afternoon tea. Miss Williamson and staff with outside help organised some nice concerts and the round of entertainments was continued to the New Year.
Source: Isle of Wight Observer 1 January 1921; picture source: Ryde Hospital, unknown date from the Roy Brinton Collection, RSHG archive; Xmas flower from clipartlibrary.com