Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Old Manor House

The Old Manor House


 The old manor house stood in the car park next to the Royal Victoria Yacht Club, later the “Prince Consort”. Built by Henry Player who became lord of the manor in 1704. The house was demolished in the late 1800’s. The brass door knocker is on the front door of Ryde House Lodge.

Isle of Wight Observer 19 March 1870
A Rare Occurrence – At the clear-out at Old Manor House, the building materials having been purchased by Mr. C. James, it was found that the stairs of the brewhouse had been covered with wood which probably, years ago, had been in St. Thomas’ Church, as the Ten Commandments had been painted thereon.  As soon as this was discovered, there was a rush of gentlemen to purchase pieces, one of which we have seen, with the words, “Thou shall not covet thy neighbour’s wife.”  This bought for 1s.  In the course of demolition of the old place probably some more antiquities may turn up to Mr. James’ advantage.  We understand the committee of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club will effect the contemplated alterations before the commencement of the season, which is expected to begin earlier than usual.

image: RSHG Archive Roy Brinton Collection