Ryde Architecture
It was built in 1837/38, and the first known occupiers were the Misses Key, listed in the church rate book 1838 to 1843, and named in the 1840 tithe survey. The next resident was Mrs Guy who lived there in 1844 and 1845. Next came Mrs Mitchell, who according to the Post Office Directory was there in 1846. This lady was Mary Ann Mitchell and she moved in to St George’s Lodge later that year.
The census returns for 1851 stated that the occupier of Thornbury was William Markham, Colonel of the 2nd West Yorkshire Militia, a magistrate and Deputy Lieut. of the West Riding of Yorkshire. His wife Lucy, one son and four daughters were also living at the property. The Colonel and his family left in 1852.
On 11th October 1852 the lease was purchased by the Rev. Augustus Hewitt, at an annual ground rent of £20. The clerical gentleman clearly purchased the lease as an investment, since he never lived in the house.
The next resident of Thornbury was Sir Richard and Lady Gethin, who arrived in 1852, and stayed for a year. In 1953 Sir John (9th Baronet) and Lady Burgoyne took up residence and stayed till 1860. After Sir John’s death in 1858, his widow left Thornbury for a few months and the house was occupied by Mr Darling and family. Lady Burgoyne returned to the house in 1859, but gave it up in 1860.
After the 9th Baronet died in 1858 his son John Montagu Burgoyne, succeeded to the title as 10th Baronet. It was this gentleman who brought the Empress Eugenie of France to England in his yacht Gazelle in September 1870. He brought the yacht into Ryde Pier in the early hours of 8th September. He landed with the Empress and took her to the York Hotel in George Street.
The next occupier of the house was Vice-Admiral Sir James and Lady Stirling, who stayed for a year. After the Stirling’s left in 1861 the next occupiers of Thornbury were Mr and Mrs C. W. Bontine, they only stayed a short while.
In 1863 Mrs Edward Kirkpatrick took up residence, she was a widow living on her own means. Her daughter married Sir Henry Daly, who were staying with her in 1869, and her two grandchildren were often at the house with their grandmother. Mrs Kirkpatrick died in 1874. Her daughter Susan Daly lived at Thornbury till the next year when she and her family moved to Ryde House.
The next residents were Mr and Mrs Charles Forbes who were there from 1877 till 1897 when they left, and Mrs Gay moved into Thornbury, and was still resident in 1903.
Image source RSHG Archive Roy Brinton Collection