Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

Members’ AGM & Social Morning

stagecoach 'Civility' before restoration

We had our A.G.M. this last Saturday, 1st October, 2022.

There were 32 people present and the committee was elected with Barbara Hunt continuing as Chairperson, Ann Barrett as Membership Secretary, Research & Publications Co-ordinator, Michael Parsley as Treasurer and Margaret Truckel as the new Minutes Secretary with Jennifer Moring joining us as a new committee member.

After all the business of the meeting, we had refreshments when members were able to mingle and socialise, look at our “shop” and peruse at material that our speaker had brought along. The raffle was then taken.

‘Civility’ after restoration

We then had a splendid talk from Brian Dicks from the Bus Museum with the topic “Ryde Victorians who travelled by Stagecoach”  It was fascinating and we were able to have a look at a very old ledger which highlighted the travellers by name, how much it cost and other very interesting information.

We are very fortunate to have 113 members now in the Ryde Social Heritage Group with a core of very dedicated people who support us behind the scenes.  Of course there is always room for more volunteers as it is amazing all the work that goes on to keep the Group going.  If anyone would like to join us in our work please let us know via our website.  Thank you once again for supporting us at the R.S.H.G. and look forward to meeting more of you at our resource centre in West Street Cemetery, Ryde at the Twin Chapels on a Tuesday and advertised Saturdays from 10-2p.m.

Barbara Hunt

Images by Dave Bushell & Colin Hunt