Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Big Garden Birdwatch Results 2023

Gold Crest 2023

Great Tit 2023

We had a smashing day last Saturday 28th January, for the Big Garden Birdwatch at the cemetery.  Around 16 people attended and as it was a glorious sunny day, it was a real pleasure to come and see the birds and listen to the birdsong.  There were the usual crows, blackbirds, pigeons and robins, but also a good many starlings, dunnocks, sparrows and magpies.

There was a good showing of blue tits, great tits and a coal tit, as well as greenfinch and goldfinches and some chaffinches.  There was one particular bird that was absent this year, that was the Chiffchaff; it has such a distinct call, but none this year.  There was a highlight though we were blessed with the presence of a beautiful Gold Crest, which stayed around for some considerable time. We had refreshments back at base and time to socialise and compare notes.

Greenfinch 2023

I would like to thank the people who came along to support us and for the volunteers for their help too.

Here is the completed list that I have sent to the RSPB on the 2nd February. Great tit-15, Robin-28, Woodpigeon-43, Long-tailed Tit-15, Blue Tit-15, Greenfinch-6, Goldfinch-4, Chaffinch-4, Blackbird- Male-46, female-7, Starling-22, House sparrow, male-41, female-7, Dunnock-26, Magpie-4, Collared Dove-5, Coal Tit-1, Jackdaws-23, Black Headed Gulls-12, Crows-9 and finally our Gold Crest-1.



Barbara Hunt
RSHG Chair

Images by the bird-watchers on the day