Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

District Nurses

Ryde Nurses Home


In 1892 the committee had been able to purchase number 60 Monkton Street, as a permanent home for the District Nurses.  The house was suitable for the purpose, and the situation central as regards their work, which mostly covered Ryde, St. John’s, Elmfield, Oakfield and Haylands areas and whenever they could they went to Binstead. The services of an efficient housekeeper had been obtained, and the nurses moved into their home in September 1892.

The committee had to thank many kind friends for the valuable and useful gifts contributed by them towards the furnishing of the house.  The trustees of the property were the late Mr. Forbes, Mr. Pannel, and Dr. Davey.  Mr. Ratcliffe was kind enough to execute the deed without payment

The District Nurses attended all poor cases gratuitously, except maternity patients, and the work was wholly unsectarian.  They were not allowed to attend infectious cases, but they were instructed to notify the Medical Officer of Health of any infectious disorder that occurred among their patients. Nurses who visited patients in their own homes at the end of 1893 were Nurse Reeve, Nurse Mansel, and Nurse Garnham.

Maternity cases, for which a charge had to be paid to the Charity on entering the name on the list, the charge in 1904 was 7s.6d.

Sickness in Binstead was not great, but it was said that one of the staff nurses from Ryde should hold herself in readiness to go over to Binstead when required

This charitable institution was affiliated to Queen Victoria’s Jubilee Institute for Nurses, and was supported by subscriptions.  Her Majesty the Queen headed the subscription list each year with £10; and the president Princess Henry of Battenburg, the Governor of the Island, sent 100 garments from the I.W. Needlework Guild..

In 1907, three new trustees were appointed, Mr. G.R. Brigstocke, Mr. Arthur Andrews, and Mr. Charles Langdon

Various entertainments were frequently arranged by different friends interested in the charity for the benefit of the fund, such as, the Garden Fete 4 June 1908 under the patronage of H.R.H. Princess Henry of Battenburg (president of the Institution) in the grounds of St. Vincent, which was kindly lent for the occasion by G. R. Brigstocke, esq.

Nurses mentioned in reports in 1908:
Superintendent Nurse Wyatt.

Nurse Lucy Lathleen, had worked six and half years, and was leaving on account of her health. Her place was being taken by Nurse Knight.

Nurse Wilson (maternity nurse) had given up her post at the end of 1907. She was succeeded by Nurse Sharpless as the maternity nurse.

By 1919 there were many difficulties engaging nurses, most staying only a short while, at times there were only two or three carrying out the work of five. It was also imperative to obtain more subscribers, if they were to finish the year without a deficit. The opportunities for girls and women were far greater by this date, the role of females in the employment market was changing rapidly.  They had got use to  different types of work due to lack of men during the war years and directly afterwards.

Sources: IW Observer & Nursing History
Image: RSHG Archive & Roy Brinton Collection
Article: Ann Barrett