Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Holy Trinity Church 1888

Holy Trinity Church, Ryde, Easter 1911


Not only has the Church of Holy Trinity in Ryde recently undergone a complete renovation of the interior, but a noteworthy addition has been made, in the shape of a beautiful reredos.  It is of oak, in the gothic style, and beautifully carved, the work being entrusted to Messrs. Cox, Son, Buckley, and Co., of Southampton-street, Strand, and carried out by Messrs. Thompson and Malster.

Above the alter are six painted panels, representing the Annunciation, the Nativity, the Adoration of the Magii, the Visit of the Shepherds, the Ascension, and the Gift of the Holy Ghost.  Upon tracery panels on either side are brass panels bearing the inscription, “In honour of the Holy, Blessed, and Glorious Trinity, three persons in one God, and in loving memory of his sister, Elizabeth Bearblock, and his niece, Mildred Lilian Bearblock, erected by Robert Richardson, AD. 1888.”

The lower panels are ornamented with fleur-de-lys, dog-tooth moulding, &c., the whole being surmounted with eleven tastefully carved canopies.

On Sunday last special festival services in commemoration of the dedication of the church were held.  The preacher at the morning service was the Rev. A. C. Dicker, vicar of Newchurch; in the afternoon the Rev. T. W. Fair gave an address to the children; and in the evening the Rev. G. V. Garland, the respected rector of Binstead, preached a very eloquent and helpful discourse.

The church was beautifully decorated by the Misses Pilkington, Howes, Murray, Wade, Barry, Connell, Padmore, and Woodmore; and the musical part of the service, under the direction of Mr. Godwin Fowles, organist and choirmaster, was everything that could be desired.

A reredos is a large altarpiece, a screen, or decoration placed behind the altar in a church. It often includes religious images. The term reredos may also be used for similar structures, if elaborate, in secular architecture, for example very grand carved chimneypieces.

Source: IW Observer & RSHG Archive
Image: RSHG
Article: Ann Barrett