Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

April 1924

Isle of Wight County Press:

Apr 5th 1924:  PAVILION DEBATE – The advisability of presenting for Government sanction to the loan required to construct the enclosure on the Western-esplanade, Ryde was discussed at great length at a special meeting of the Town Council on Monday, The Mayor (Ald. A. ANDREWS, J.P., C.C.) presided. The Committee asked the Council to postpone the scheme in view of the importance of not diverting skilled building labour from the house building work.

Apr 5th 1924:  NON-PROVIDED SCHOOLS – were discussed by Mr. C. RICHARDS (of Portsmouth) at the men’s service at the Parish Church on Monday afternoon.  He said there were altogether over 10,000 Church schools in the United Kingdom.  A large number had fallen into very bad repair ; in many cases they could not afford the necessary upkeep, with the result that they were being surrendered to the absolute control of the state.

Apr 5th 1924:  RADIO ENTHUSIASTS – There are no fewer than 45 aerials in Arthur-street alone and at least 500 listeners-in in Ryde. This was stated at the first meeting of the newly-formed Radio Society held in the Justices-room on Thursday.  The Vice-president (Mr. E. W. POLLARD, B.Sc.) produced a home-made receiving set, and suggested that the society should have their own on somewhat similar lines, but with three valves and a crystal should be constructed.  More about Mr Pollard here

Apr 5th 1924:  RYDE GRAMMAR SCHOOL – At the invitation of Mr. MCISAAC, headmaster of Ryde Grammar-School, many gathered at the school ground, Pell-lane on Thursday, to witness the third annual sports.  The head-master and committee were assisted by the Rev. H. Le FLEMING.  The Mayoress had promised to present the prizes at the close of the sports.

Apr 12th 1924:  AUCTION – Re: Miss HALLET, deceased. Pelham Lodge, Spencer Road, Ryde. Messrs. PURNELL and PURNELL are instructed to sell by auction on Tuesday and Wednesday April 29 and 30, 1924, the whole of the contents at the residence.  Auctioneer’s offices, 7 and 8 High-street, Ryde.

Apr 19th 1924:  ADVERT – In the Small Town Hall, Ryde, Monday and Tuesday April 28 & 29, by kind permission of Sir Arthur Conan DOYLE, the Garscadden Collection of Spirit Photographs, will be shown daily from 3 to 6 p.m. Admission 1/-, after 5 p.m. 6d.  The collection of super-normal photographs of the so-called dead; the only one of its kind in the world today, has been kindly lent by Sir Arthur Conan DOYLE.

Apr 26th 1924:  AN EASTER EGG GIFT OFFERING – for the Hostel for Ailing Children was collected, the amount collected being 1560 eggs.

Apr 26th 1924:  CHARITY DANCE – Another popular whist drive and dance, organised by Mr. A. WILSON on behalf of the County Hospital attracted 182 people to the Town-hall on Thursday.  Many of the nursing staff were present, and Sister HANCOCK distributed the prizes. Mr. REED’s orchestra supplied the music.

Apr 26th 1924:  CONCERTS AT THE SCALA – Afternoon and evening concerts were given at the Scala Cinema on Friday in aid of the Holy Trinity Church debt.  A varied programme had been arranged by Miss Marian FEBEN, I.R.A.M.  Several amateur artistes contributed to the programme.  More about Miss Feben here

Apr 26th 1924:  SUCCESSFUL SCOUT CONCERT – About £12 was raised by means of a concert at the Town-hall on Friday, by the 1st Ryde Scouts.  The money will enable six boys to visit Wembley.  The District Commissioner thanked the artistes and those who had supported the effort.

Apr 26th 1924:  FRIENDLY FOOTBALL MATCH – between Ryde Y.M.C.A. and All Saints’, played at the Recreation-ground on Thursday, resulted in a victory for the latter side by two goals to one.