Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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August 1965

Isle of Wight Times:-

Aug 4th 1965: RAILWAYS – Island M.P., Ald. Mark WOODNUTT, led an attack in the House of Commons on Tuesday to save the I.W. railways, which are threatened with closure. He urged the Minister of Transport to defer closing until Parliament had time to debate the decision next session.

Aug 4th 1965: ELIM CHURCH – Sunday evening was a notable occasion for the Elim Church, Warwick Street, when a visit from the Elim Youth Camp, Whitecliffe Bay, brought some 150 campers to the church. Every seat was occupied—even the gallery which had not been in use for a number of years.

Aug 4th 1965: S.J.A.B. FLAG DAY – Organised by Div. Supt. A. BUSHELL in Ryde district (including Havenstreet and Binstead), Saturday’s flag day collection realised the sum of £164.18s.4½d.

Aug 4th 1965: LICENCES – From August 1, the combined television and sound, and sound only, licence fees will be increased from £4 to £5 and from £1 to £1.5s. respectively. At the same time a savings card is being introduced on which a person wishing to save towards his next licence will be able to do so.

Aug 4th 1965: LADIES’ LIFEBOAT GUILD – A garden fete held at Wrafton House, raised £22.10s.6d. Ryde Lifeboat Day will be held tomorrow, and the Bembridge lifeboat will be moored off Ryde Pier between 2.30 and 5 o’clock. The public are invited to view her.

Aug 4th 1965: RAN OUT OF FUEL – With 150 passengers on board, the Wight Line pleasure steamer “Varof” ran out of fuel in mid-Solent on Tuesday evening on the return trip to Ryde from Southampton. Suddenly the vessel came to a halt not far from the royal yacht “Britannia.” It was discovered with embarrassment that there was no diesel oil and the steamer had to send a “Come and tow us in” plea to one of her sister ships.

Aug 4th 1965: RYDE ROADS – It’s been like a mad bumper car arena on Ryde roads this week, with the new on-way traffic system coming into force. While we’re trying to get used to it and thus avoid the unpleasantness of travelling in ever-decreasing circles before disappearing into our own exhaust pipes, can’t something be done about the congestion which dogs the lower George-street Esplanade junction?

Aug 4th 1965: YOUNG PLAYERS – A concert presented by the “Young Vectis Players” at Ryde Youth Centre was a very enjoyable evening’s entertainment but the cast of “Teenagers” were disappointed at the small attendance. In this day and age of hooliganism, the “Oldies” are inclined to condemn all youngsters, but this group of about 30 members give a lot of their leisure time in practising.

Aug 4th 1965: SUCCESSFUL WEEKEND – Ryde Rowing Club’s total of wins for the season rose to 14 on Sunday. This is thought to be a record in club history, and with many races still to be rowed this will undoubtedly be a season to be remembered.

Aug 12th 1965: CARNIVAL – Permission has been given to Ryde Carnival organisers to hold a helicopter air-sea rescue demonstration and a cycle race, at Simeon Street Recreation Ground on September 2 and 4 respectively.

Aug 12th 1965: GIFT – Ryde Philharmonic Society, the only one of its kind on the Island, formed more than a century ago, has been given a gift of 25 guineas by the Borough Council.

Aug 12th 1965: LETTER – Dear Sir,–We have been visitors to the Island for the last seven years, and were delighted to see that they had made Union Street a one-way street. It’s a pleasure to cross the road, but we can’t understand why cars still park on both sides for hours at a time, when notices say 30 minutes only in any one hour…. Mr. and Mrs. TROLLOPE.

Aug 12th 1965: WRONG DATE – I know. I know. We had the wrong date on the “I.W. Times” last week. We announced to everyone’s surprise: “Thursday, August 4” when of course it was August 5.

NB: We have still left the wrong date Aug 4th, on the snippets above, because that is what the newspaper said.