Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

December 1920

Isle of Wight Observer:

Dec 4th 1920:  DISTRICT NURSING – The County Education Committee has resolved to increase by 50 per cent the payments to the District Nursing Association whose nurses act as School nurses, from the 1st October, the amended amount for Ryde £15.

Dec 4th 1920:  FOOTBALL CLUB – All Saints has, at last, says the “Parish Magazine,” a really flourishing football club.  Great difficulty was experienced in finding a ground, but thanks to the kindness of Mrs. SCHOLEFIELD the club has the use of a fine field at Haylands Manor.

Dec 4th 1920:  DOG REGULATIONS – The Chief Constable (Mr. Chas. GREENSTREET) has issued notices warning dog owners that under the Dogs Order of 1906 and subsequent Order, dogs when in the highways or places of public resort must wear a collar with the name and address of the owner inscribed on it or on a plate or badge attached thereto, or the animals may be seized and treated as stray dogs.  There is also a penalty up to £20 incurred.

Dec 4th 1920:  BOXING TOURNAMENT – Under the auspices of the Princess Beatrice’s I.W. Rifles a boxing tournament is announced to take place at the Town Hall on Friday, December 17th, when an attractive programme will be provided in which well-known boxers from the National Sporting Club will take part.

Dec 4th 1920:  RUM WASHED ASHORE – As Night-watchman DRIVER was on duty on the Pier on Friday, he saw an object floating in the water which on investigation proved to be a hogshead marked rum.  He secured his prize and subsequently handed it over to the Coastguards.  There were barnacles on the cask, which shows that it must have been in the water some considerable time.

Dec 4th 1920:  CINEMAS – It is stated on reliable authority that plans have been passed for two Cinemas in High-street.  The second cinema is to be on the site of the present Dolls House.  The Theatre will be used almost solely for dramatic purposes.  This is as it should be as it was never intended for “pictures” only.

Dec 11th 1920:  ECONOMICAL – They are taught how to be economical out Oakfield way; a lady having given demonstrations of how to make an infant’s petticoat out of the legs of “Father’s” pants.  This must be very enchanting work about Christmas time, and surpasses the feat of making a boy’s pair of trousers out of “Father’s” old socks.

Dec 18th 1920:  LIFEBOAT PRACTISE – The quarterly practise of the Lifeboat crew was held on Monday morning, and was successfully carried out.  Coxswain Albert REEVES being in charge.

Dec 18th 1920:  GRAMMAR SCHOOL – The subject of a Grammar School for boys in Ryde has often been discussed, and the lack of one frequently lamented.  At the suggestion of several leading townsmen an informal meeting was held at the Welby Institute on Monday evening, to enquire into the possibilities of setting up such a school as would meet the needs of professional and business men.

Dec 18th 1920:  CONTRIBUTIONS – Mr. A. HILL has made a very good start by sending the Rev. Palmer LEWIS a cheque for £50 to be distributed amongst children at Christmas.  If there are any other large-hearted residents imbued with similar motives the Mayor will be pleased to receive your contributions.

Dec 25th 1920:  COMPARISON – The difference in the appearance of the shops in Ryde at this season compared with the last few years of the war is very marked.  There are practically no vacant business premises in High Street and only one or two in Union Street save and except the Arcade which is waiting for enterprise of some kind or other.