Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

January 1916

Isle of Wight Observer:-

Jan 8th 1916:  SMART CAPTURE – At the County Bench on Saturday, P.C. TARRANT, of the Ryde Borough Police Force, who gave evidence in a charge of burglary at Wootton, was highly commended by the Chairman (Colonel F. W. CRADOCK) on his capture of the prisoner as he was about to leave by an early boat with the stolen property in his possession.

Jan 8th 1916:  THEATRE ROYAL – Two powerful dramas will be screened at this popular place of entertainment next week. “The Tangle” during the earlier part, and “The Price,” featuring Olga PETROVA, the famous Russian actress, on Thursday and two following days.

Jan 8th 1916:  STORM DAMAGE – During the high wind on Saturday evening a portion of the gable end of No. 8 Nelson Street, in the occupation of Mr. A. YOUNG, was blown out and the brickwork falling on to the roof the house adjoining, in the tenancy of Mr. A. BRADING, forced its way through the roof and rafters into a bed-sitting room below, doing considerable damage.  A lady lodger occupying the room had a narrow escape from serious injury.

Jan 8th 1916:  LOCAL TRIBUNALS – The interest of a good many young men is now centred on the proceedings of the local tribunals.  They have made appeals that they cannot be spared from their ordinary occupations and they are anxiously awaiting the outcome.  It will be more difficult to decide the cases of men who though single, are the sole bread-winners in the home.

Jan 8th 1916:  ADVERTISEMENTS  – A good house and shop to let, 64 High Street, Ryde.—Apply, C. W. JACKMAN, Nelson Street, Ryde;  A good 6-roomed house in Bellevue Road, Ryde.—Apply, Mr. A. YOUNG, 8 Nelson Street.

Jan 8th 1916:  SUCCESSFUL – Miss Rene WALLER, who has recently left Ryde to take up her professional work in London is making rapid headway in securing herself a place in the front rank of young actresses. Miss Rene WALLER is the younger candidate by many years to have obtained this distinction, or been presented with the College robes. She will shortly take a principle part in a new play.

Jan 15th 1916:  WINDOW CARDS – The number of patriotic window cards sold last year by the Hon Mabel GOUGH-CALTHORPE throughout the Island, amounted to 3,347, and the profit of £3 arising therefrom has been given to the 6th Ryde Sea Scouts Troop.

Jan 15th 1916:  POULTRY INDUSTRY – Long before the war broke out, many dwellers in the countryside deplored the dying out of the poultry industry, and the sending to foreign countries of from three to four million pounds annually for eggs alone.

Jan 15th 1916:  OBJECTORS – A conscientious objection to fighting, is one of the qualified exemptions under the Compulsion Bill, and it seemed at first to offer the incorrigible slacker an easy means of escape. He must, however, satisfy the Local Tribunal that his “conscientious objection” is not a sudden “conversion.”

Jan 15th 1916:  GRANT – Councillor ANDREWS asked whether the Council did not think it desirable that steps should be taken whereby a grant could be obtained by Ryde in the same way as at Ventnor, and perhaps some other Island towns, for the relief of lodging house keepers and others who had suffered terribly at the outcome of the war?

15th Jan 1916:  MESSAGE FROM AFAR – Writing to his nephew, Councillor W. E. WEEKS, from Port Arthur, Ontario, Mr. Wm. Iles FAIRALL, formerly a jeweller in Union Street, expressed a desire to be remembered to all his old friends here, who will no doubt be interested to learn that he is at present holding a Government appointment, being in charge of a lighthouse near Port Arthur.