Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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July 1859

Isle of Wight Observer

July 2nd 1859: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Gen Sir James CALDWELL and Mrs. SULLIVAN arrived at Beachlands on Wednesday; Mr. and Miss Warren HASTINGS ANDERSON returned to their residence, Beldornie-tower, on Saturday; The hon. H. PACKENHAM (Dean of St. Patrick) and Mrs. PACKENHAM have arrived at Sydney-terrace.

July 2nd 1859: THUNDERSTORM – Between 2 and 3 o’clock on Sunday morning last, a heavy thunderstorm visited the Island, accompanied by a deluge of rain, the latter of which was very acceptable. We have heard of no damage done by the lightening in this locality.

July 9th 1859: FETE CHAMPETRE AT MARINE VILLA – As we predicted the exhibition of the Horticultural Society was the herald of the fashionable season; the inauguration which took place in the above charming retreat on Friday last, through the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. PAGE. The grounds are approached through a vista of Ivy and other creeping plants, on emerging from which, is a pretty well-kept lawn, dotted over with parterres and encircled by rich foliage.

July 16th 1859: FIRE AT LORD BURGLEY’s RESIDENCE – From Brookfield, Ryde, on Sunday about 1.20 p.m., a horse was furiously ridden to the Police Station and Engine House, and the messenger announced that there was a fire at Brookfield. In the short space of 20 minutes, such is the efficiency of the Fire Brigade, and the readiness of the inhabitants to assist, not withstanding that the water had to be fetched from a pond in a field about 200 feet distant, only the stable men whose rooms were over the stables, suffered the greatest loss, as all their clothes were destroyed.

July 16th 1859: WATER EXCURSIONS – The Ryde Watermen in order to meet the desire for cheap excursions, have placed their beautiful wherries at the disposal of visitors at very cheap rates:- 2 hours sail for one shilling each passenger. In 2 hours a most delightful cruise can be had in the Solent; such as a sail to Osborne, the camp at Browndown, Spithead &c. From 10 a.m. till dusk.

July 16th 1859: M.C. FOR RYDE – Notwithstanding that we were aware of the general feeling prevailing in Ryde for some years past with regard to the appointment of a M.C. for Ryde, we little expected the enthusiasm which would be aroused by the hint we threw out last week. The appointment should be made without delay.

July 16th 1859: RYDE COMMISSIONERS – It was moved by Mr. THURLOW and seconded by Mr. HILLIER “that a lamp be placed in Buckingham-road under the direction of the Highway Committee.” It was referred back to the Committee to report on the cost of erecting the lamp.

July 30th 1859: THEATRE – The curtain rose on Monday night to the best audience ever witnessed on an “opening night” during an experience of 30 years. The piece selected for the opening was Bourcicault’s comedy of London Assurance, in which Miss Louisa CLEVELAND absolutely took the house by storm.

July 30th 1859: CRICKET – We understand that the annual match of cricket for the benefit of the Royal Isle of Wight Infirmary is on the tapis and that it is likely to be of unusual interest. Miss PLAYER has again offered Ryde House Park as the locale.

July 30th 1859: NUPTUAL FESTIVITIES AT ST. CLARE – The delightful retreat of Willow Bank was the scene of unwonted gaiety on Wednesday last, on the occasion of the marriage of Miss Ellen JOHNSON, the 2nd daughter of the late John JOHNSON, esq., of St. Clare Villa, to the Rev. Mr. BRADLEY of Oxford.