Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

July 1918

Isle of Wight Observer:

July 6th 1918:  HAZELWOOD HOSPITAL – Mrs. T. G. TANTON wishes to thank all those who so kindly contributed to the cost of the sewing machine required for this hospital.  We may mention that Mrs. TANTON is the widow of the late Mr. T. G. TANTON of Auckland, New Zealand, and for several years formerly resided at Salsette, on the Strand, Ryde and being on a visit here, very kindly took up the collection for the above.

July 6th 1918:  “OUR FLAT” – Ryde playgoers had a real treat on Thursday afternoon, when Peter DAVEY’s clever Portsmouth company paid a flying visit to the Theatre Royal, and presented that ever-green play, rightly described as the funniest play ever written, “Our Flat,” which well justifies the claim to be “one roar of laughter from start to finish.”

July 6th 1918:  LAND ARMY – Friday next is being observed as Ryde’s Recruiting Day for the Land Army, when an effort will be made to secure recruits for the land in order to assist in the work of the harvest.

July 6th 1918:  FARM FIRE – Considerable excitement was caused in the upper part of the town on Tuesday afternoon by a big blaze at Aldermore Farm, Haylands, in the occupation of Mr. MINTER.  The Ryde Fire Brigade was summoned at 2.15 and on their arrival found four hay ricks well alight.  Under Capt Bertram HILL they speedily got to work, plenty of water being available from a neighbouring pond, which they pumped dry.  They managed to subdue the flames within an hour and prevented the fire from spreading to the farm buildings.

July 13th 1918:  WASTE PAPER DEPOT – We are informed that the following further donations have been sent by the Depot to the Institutions named: I.W. County Hospital £21, Ryde District Nursing Association £15.15s., Seaview Nursing Association £5.5s. a total of £42.  Thus apart from the economic value to the country represented by the saved waste paper, deserving local charities are being given much needed help.

July 13th 1918:  TO PARENTS – The I.W. Times are desirous of obtaining the services of one or two intelligent girls (or boys with a view to apprenticeship to the printing trade) to work in their newspaper department at type-setting.  The work is easy, interesting, and clean, the main qualifications required being the use of a fair amount of common sense in order to grasp and remember any instructions given.

July 13th 1918:  WASTAGE – The Mayor voiced a timely warning as to the wastage of water.  He pointed out that the consumption represented an average of 35 gallons per head per day, and it was necessary to considerably reduce this average.  Unless the daily consumption lowered to reasonable limits, the water would have to be cut off at certain periods during the day.

July 13th 1918:  LICENSE TRANSFER – The only business before the Borough Court on Monday was the temporary transfer of the license of the “Malt and Hops,” High Street, from Mr. William POWELL to Mr. Alfred Edward SMITH.

July 13th 1918:  ENEMY ALIENS – The Mayor moved the following resolution;– To demand the immediate internment of all enemy aliens, whether naturalised or unnaturalised, and the removal from all Government and Public offices of all enemy aliens whether naturalised or unnaturalised.

July 20th 1918:  WAR MEMORIAL – A meeting to consider a proposal for a War Memorial for Ryde and district, will be held in the Town Hall, on Monday afternoon, at 3 o’clock, to which the public are invited.

July 20th 1918:  DAMAGE –  There was a big scare near the back of certain premises in the lower part of Union Street on Thursday.  The high wind blew off the top of a chimney pot, and sent it crashing through a skylight into room below.  Luckily, no serious damage was done—which was almost miraculous considering the weight of the object and the height from which it fell.