Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

March 1868

Isle of Wight Observer:

Mar 7th 1868:  OCCURRENCE – A very singular occurrence has taken place this year, viz., in the month of February, the shortest of the 12, we have had five Saturdays from the fact that the 1st and the 29th both occurred on that day.  There will not be five Saturdays in February again until 1896.  We hope many who read these lines will live to see the recurrence of that important event.

Mar 7th 1868:  FUEL – A manufactory for artificial fuel will be shortly formed on some portion of the banks of Brading harbour.  Specimens of the fuel have been tried by a gentleman in Ryde, and it is said to answer well.

Mar 7th 1868:  BANKRUPT – Re Thomas BRADING, of Ryde, builder and eating house keeper.  On the 4th inst.  Mr. G. P. JOYCE, of Newport and Ryde, filed a petition and obtained protection for this bankrupt until the 25th inst., at 11 o’clock.

Mar 7th 1868:  HORSE-BOXES – It will confer a great benefit on the travelling public if the directors of the Isle of Wight Railway put some horse-boxes on their line. Your obedient servant FOXHUNTER.

Mar 14th 1868:  LIGHT AND HEAT – The Isle of Wight Philosophical Society will hold its next meeting on Monday, the 16th inst., at the rooms of the society, Melville-street, when a lecture will be delivered by Mr. Jabez HUGHES, on “The Science of the Sunbeam as exhibited in the production of Light and Heat.”

Mar 14th 1868:  PRESENTATION – A very handsome and costly silver-plated tea and coffee set, of four pieces. Etruscan pattern, selected from the stock of Mr. E. THURLOW, of Union-street, has just been presented to Mr. William TARVER, of the Anglesea Tavern.  On the shield of the coffee pot the following is engraved:  “Ancient Order of Foresters, Court Astrea, No. 2,283.  Presented to Mr. William TARVER, as a mark of respect, by members of the court. Ryde, March, 1868.”

Mar 14th 1868:  BROUSIL FAMILY – We remind our readers that this talented family will appear in their favorite entertainment on this (Friday) evening only, being their farewell visit to the Island.  The performance takes place at the Town-hall, at 8 o’clock.

Mar 21st 1868:  DISPENSARY – In consequence of alterations at the Market-hall, it became necessary to provide accommodation for the medical officers and patients of the Ryde Dispensary.  Accordingly, rooms for the purpose have been engaged at Kelso Cottage, Spencer-road, at the yearly rent of £10, the suitability and convenience of which is found to be a great improvement upon former arrangements.

Mar 21st 1868:  LIFEBOAT – At a meeting held at the Free Wesleyan Chapel, Ryde, it was proposed and carried unanimously, that an effort be made by the Sunday School teachers and scholars to purchase a lifeboat, and a committee from various schools to determine where the said boat shall be placed.

Mar 21st 1868:  AUCTION – Berwick Lodge, Pelham Field, Ryde.  Messrs. MARVIN and Sons will sell by Auction, on the premises, some time in April, the whole of the valuable Furniture Equipment of the above residence, comprised in three reception and eight bedrooms and domestic offices.—Particulars in a future paper.  Auction and Agency Offices, 9 Union-street, Ryde.

Mar 28th 1868:  LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Sir, As I was standing by the door of our establishment, speaking with two ratepayers of Union-street, Mr. Henry KNIGHT, of the Arcade, happened to pass; and without my saying one word to him, he said, “There are three of the biggest blackguards in the town.”  On the same day, I am informed, Mr. KNIGHT made use of disgusting and highly offensive language to my neighbor, Mr. THURLOW.  Any person so offending common decencies should be liable to be brought before the magistrates, but no bye-laws that will reach this man exists in the town. Faithfully Robert YELF.