Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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May 1859

Isle of Wight Observer

May 7th 1859: SCHOOL TREAT – The children of St. Thomas’s National Schools were regaled with a treat on Thursday afternoon at Swanmore. Besides a plenty of buns and so forth, gymnastics of all sorts were indulged in.

May 7th 1859: FASHIONABLE LIST – Admiral WREN and Mrs. CARTER are on a visit to Dowager Lady DICKSON; Mr. and Mrs. YOUNG of Appley Towers entertained a fashionable party at dinner on Monday evening; Commodore R. B. WATSON has taken Woodbine Villa, George-street, for twelve months.

May 7th 1859: ELECTIONS – The Magistrates were engaged on Wednesday, swearing in the non-electors as special constables to act during the election. Many were most grievously annoyed in having such irksome duties enforced upon them to their pecuniary loss.

May 14th 1859: ADVERTISEMENT – Mr. GRINSTEAD (Teacher of Mathematics, Navigation and Drawing), Prepares Pupils for the Examinations of the Military, Naval and Civil Services. 11 Lind-street, Ryde.

May 14th 1859: EXTENSION OF RYDE PIER – The Pier Company have made an application to the Commissioners for the purchase of that part of the Esplanade lying between the Pier-Gates and the slipway at the bottom of George-street, to carry out the tramway for the purpose of allowing horses and carriages to go to and from the packets.

May 14th 1859: DELIGHTS OF SPRING – The appearance of the vegetation in and around Ryde are now delightful. The meadows have the appearance of “the field of the cloth of gold” which the blooms of the chestnut and hawthorn are enriched and varied by that of the lilac and laburnham.

May 14th 1859: HUMAN ENDURANCE – We have often wondered at the great amount of torture gentlemen will endure by inexorably fixing their heads for hours as in a vice, called a hat, but our attention has been directed to a newly invented process of manufacture whereby the pressure of the common shaped hat is entirely relieved from the forehead. It may be had of Mr. S. YOUNG of Ryde.

May 21st 1859: ROYAL BIRTHDAY – On Thursday last the semaphores of the Royal Victoria Yacht Club and the Coastguard Station, were gaily “dressed” in honour of Her Majesty’s birthday. The Channel Fleet at Spithead were also “dressed” from stem to stern and at 12 o’clock fired a Royal Salute on the same occasion.

May 21st 1859: RYDE COMMISSIONERS – It was agreed that a salt water tank be constructed under the Esplanade road, at a cost of about £40 for watering the streets. The site of the tank and pump was referred to the Highways Committee.

May 28th 1859: THE ROAD – We perceive the full summer service is now on between Ryde, Ventnor, and Newport, in fact coaches run now nearly every hour in the day, and the wheels go heavy.

May 28th 1859: RECEPTION AT WESTFIELD – On Thursday last, Sir Augustus CLIFFORD, on the occasion of his birthday, threw open the charming grounds at Westfield, for the purpose of a Musical Promenade. The weather was delightful and the beauty of the scene was much enhanced from the circumstance of its being high water at the time.