May 1911
Isle of Wight Observer
May 6th 1911: THE CINEMA – in the High-street is maintaining its popularity and reputation for presenting some really fine subjects in moving pictures. Sports in the Indian Army, Life in the Alps, A Virgin of Babylon, and The Man who Learned, form the subjects for next week.
May 6th 1911: BEES – In view of bee disease, the Board of Agriculture may shortly ask for bees to be sent to them. A farmer of the old school advises us that members of the Board should search their own bonnets if they want bees……London Opinion.
May 13th 1911: OUTING – The members of Holy Trinity Mother’s Union had their annual outing on Monday. Leaving Ryde about 1.30, a drive to Shanklin was much enjoyed, at which town tea was partaken of. After visiting several places of interest the return journey was made about 7 o’clock. Miss CRAMER and Miss CAREY accompanied the party.
May 13th 1911: PROPERTY SALE – At Messrs. WALLIS, RIDDETT and Co’s. Auction Sale on Thursday evening, the following property in Ryde were sold: 165 High-street, to Mr. CLARKE for £580; 13 John-street to Mr. Rowland RUSSELL for £270; 8 Pier-street to Mr. CLARKE for £610; Dysart House, George-street to Mr. POOLE for £275.
May 13th 1911: GUN CLUB – There was a large attendance at the meeting of I.W. Gun Club at Ashey on Wednesday, when Mr. E. R. RATCLIFFE and Colonel RHODES shared the prizes between them.
May 13th 1911: MERITORIOUS REWARD – Mr. James CONWAY, of 44 Newport-street, Ryde, formerly of the 91st Highland Regiment, for many years Colour-Sergeant-Instructor of the Ryde detachment I.W. Rifles, who has been totally blind since 1897, has been informed by the War Office that the King has been graciously pleased to confer on him the medal for meritorious service with an annuity of £5. The medal will probably be publicly presented by the Mayor of Ryde some time in June.
May 13th 1911: EXHIBITION – On Monday afternoon the I.W. Missionary Exhibition in connection with the S.P.G. will be opened in the Town Halls, Ryde, at 3 o’clock by H.R.H. Princess Henry of Battenberg, and will remain open until Friday. This exhibition will be one of the most important of its kind that has ever taken place in the town.
May 27th 1911: THE PIER – The re-decking of the Pier, which has now been completed, has made that structure a more delightful promenade than it has ever been. The Pier Company have improved their tram service by providing a new car. The patrons of the late boat on Thursday would be glad if the Company would run a tram in connection with its arrival at the Pier Head.
May 27th 1911: CENSUS – The census returns show that the population of the Isle of Wight has increased during the past decade by 5,775, the figures for 1901 being 82,418, and for 1911, 88,193.
May 27th 1911: BATHING – A boat ought to be provided at the public bathing stage near the Canoe Lake for use in case of emergency, and that the west side of the Pier near the yacht steps would make an ideal spot for public baths.
May 27th 1911: BOY SCOUTS – On Wednesday evening the local troups of Boy Scouts held a Church Parade in honour of Empire Day. The muster, nearly 100 strong, took place outside the Town Hall. The St. John’s Band of Hope Drum and Fife Band, headed the procession to and from St. John’s Church. On returning to the Town Hall the Band played the National Anthem, and the lads gave three cheers for the KING.