May 1914 –
Isle of Wight Observer:-
May 2nd 1914: APPLICATION GRANTED – At the Borough Bench on Monday an application was granted to Mr. W. E. GRANT, headmaster of the Ryde Upper Mixed School, under a section of the Prevention of Cruelty to Children’s’ Act 1904, allowing some sixty children to perform at the Ryde Theatre Royal, in an entertainment in aid of the Hospital and District Nursing.
May 2nd 1914: WHIST – The Ryde Whist League closed their season with the usual drive of the cup winners v. the pick of the league. It resulted in a win for the pick of the league by 15 pts to 12.
May 2nd 1914: ADVERT – Wanted Apprentice for Hosiery and Tailoring. No premium. Pocket money given—OSBORNE and Son, Union-street, Ryde.
May 2nd 1914: PROFITABLE INDUSTRY – The “milky coconut” is being rapidly elevated from its humble position as a target in the fair booth to the dignity of a commercial product and as such is actually worth anything up to 3d. for the many uses to which it is now put.
May 9th 1914: LICENSE – An application was granted for the temporary transfer of the license of Partland’s Hotel, Swanmore-road, from Edwin William WEBB, to Mrs. Amy LEA. The Chief Constable stated that the incoming licensee had a grown up son to support her in the business, but it was necessary to have the license in her name.
May 9th 1914: BILLIARDS – The inter-club match, six a side return game, played between the Ryde Club and Holy Trinity Club at the Ryde Club on Tuesday evening, resulted in a close win for the Ryde Club of 16 points on the total aggregate, each team winning three games.
May 9th 1914: IMPORTANT NOTICE – IW Railway’s adoption of uniform 3rd class fares from 1 June until further notice, 3rd class tickets (single and return) will be issued by all trains between all Island stations at one penny a mile. Plus Pier Tolls in the case of bookings to Ryde Pier Stations.
May 16th 1914: YEOMANRY TRAINING – The advance party of the Hants Carabiniers Yeomanry proceeded to St. Gilds, Dorset, to prepare for annual training of the regiment, who will march in next Sunday, The Brigade headquarters will be at St. Giles, with the Earl of Shaftesbury in command.
May 16th 1914: THE “VATERLAND” – Considerable interest was taken in the arrival off Ryde on Friday morning of the great Hamburg-American liner “Vaterland,” the biggest ship afloat. This leviathan of the deep is 950ft long, 100ft broad, 98ft high, whilst her gross tonnage is 58,000 tons.
May 16th 1914: FOR SALE – By Auction, a Pair of Well-Built Cottages, situate and known as 94 and 95 Arthur-street, Ryde, each containing six rooms, with garden in rear. In the occupation of Messrs. GRIFFIN and CARLEY, and producing £36.8s.0d. per annum (owner paying rates).
May 16th 1914: LUGGAGE ANOMALY – Councillor HANSFORD asked the Railway Committee whether it had come to their knowledge that if he wished to send a package of luggage in advance from Ryde he could do it for 1s.9d., but if he liked to go twelve miles farther south–to Ventnor–he could do so at the reduced sum of 1s.3d. Councillor WEEKS replied that he would make enquiries.
May 16th 1914: CARNIVAL – A number of people are asking whether the Ryde Carnival is to be revived this year, as if so the arrangements should be made very soon.