May 1922
Isle of Wight Observer:
May 6th 1922: TAXI ACCIDENT – As a taxi-cab belonging to Mr. C. READ and driven by Mr. Jack READ was coming up Union-street the back axle broke on changing gears, causing it to run backwards into the Western Gardens where it lodged in the green fence by the side of the ladies lavatory. With assistance the car was extricated and beyond bending the ironwork no damage was done.
May 6th 1922: NEW HOSPITAL DEPARTMENT – Attention is drawn to the announcement that the Ear, Nose, and Throat Department is now open at the I.W. County Hospital and out-patients are seen on Thursdays at 11 a.m.
May 6th 1922: A SPIRIT OF PAGANISM – In the current Parish Magazine the Vicar of Ryde (the Rev. Hugh Le FLEMING), returns to his subject of visitors who are not churchgoers. “The coming months will be a very healthy and very searching test in towns like Ryde. There is always a certain spiritual danger with the coming summer months of so many people when they go on holiday to leave their religion behind them, if they have any, and introduce into our holiday places a cheery spirit of Paganism. We need to be on our guard against this.”
May 13th 1922: PONIES AND DONKEYS – Included in the animal licenses for drivers, etc., plying for hire are R. J. SIMMELL, Newport Street, 2 ponies; Frederick BUTT, Bedworth Place, and Leonard SHORE, High Street, Oakfield, one donkey each.
May 13th 1922: TAR SPRAYING – The committee have given instructions for the roads remetalled, namely, Green Street, Upton Road, Warwick Street, and Queens Road, to be tar-sprayed.
May 13th 1922: HELPING THE COUNTY HOSPITAL – Messrs. JAMES, TURTLE, HARVEY, and friends have rebuilt the spinal carriage belonging to the County Hospital at their own expense, and have provided a quilt, blanket, and sheet for it. This is only one of a number of ways in which these gentlemen have helped the hospital, one being the organisation of street collections.
May 13th 1922: ISLE OF WIGHT DISEASE – In hopes of excluding the “Isle of Wight disease,” the importation into Canada of bees and second-hand hives from Europe has been prohibited.
May 13th 1922: HISTORICAL HOTEL – A good deal of interest has been taken in the renovation and practical reconstruction of the York Hotel in George Street by the new enterprise of Mr. J. E. WEBBER, who recently purchased the property when it had been vacated by the troops after the war. Apart from its historical associations through it being the temporary residence of ex-Empress Eugenie on her flight from France in the yacht “Gazelle,” it is one of the oldest hotels in the Island, the rear portions dating back 150 years. Mr WEBBER estimates that he will be able to cater for 500 visitors a day for teas and light refreshments.
May 20th 1922: ROBBERY IN ASHEY ROAD – During the early hours of Thursday morning the residence of Mrs SAVAGE “St. Luke’s,” Ashey Road, was broken into, entrance being made through the conservatory. A loaf of bread, cake, and a few biscuits appear to have been taken away also 30s. in money. It is fully believed this was the work of the escaped convict from Parkhurst.
May 20th 1922: AMUSING COMEDY – On Thursday and Friday performances were given at the Scala Theatre by the Ryde Amateur Operatic and Dramatic Society of the farcical comedy “Facing the Music.” Mr. HILL was again complimented upon his stage arrangements and the excellent acoustic properties of the building for theatre performances. The comedy was one of the most whimsical and laughable that could have been selected.