Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

November 1862

Isle of Wight Observer:-

Nov 8th 1862: FREE HARMONIC – The proprietor of the Royal Eagle Hotel devotes his billiard room on Wednesday evenings to the cause of harmony. The excellent singing of Mr. MACHIN was well received and vociferously applauded by those present. Mr. SALTER accompanied on the pianoforte with his accustomed skill and good taste.

Nov 8th 1862: ANOTHER – The proprietor of the Queen, a new hotel lately erected in Monkton-street, throws open his house for a similar affair on Tuesday evenings.

Nov 8th 1862: GENERAL HOLIDAY – It is a well-known fact that on Sunday next our prince and heir-apparent becomes of age. Newport has declared at once for a general holiday on the ensuing day–Monday next. We cannot do better than go and do likewise, and thus testify our loyalty.

Nov 8th 1862: NOVEMBER – This drear, dark dismal cheerless, wet, cold, miserable and uninviting month has enveloped us in its clammy folds.

Nov 8th 1862: 5TH DAY – That ever-memorable day, the 5th November, is, we are pleased to notice, almost forgotten, and the silly absurdities so long practised on that day to commemorate the fate of “Guy Fawkes.”

Nov 8th 1862: MANY CHANGES – Mr. BUSBY will leave his situation of headmaster at the Ryde National School at Christmas. The vacancy will be filled by Mr. W. SMITH of Ryde, who now holds a somewhat similar situation at Gosport.

Nov 8th 1862: ST. MARIE’S – On Thursday the anniversary of the death of that much-beloved and lamented lady, Miss Charlotte ELLIOTT, was commemorated at St. Marie’s Church by the usual solemn services of the Catholic Church.

Nov 22nd 1862: DESIDERATUM – Pedestrians can now pass from one side of the Esplanade to the other without soiling their “Day and Martin” by sinking ankle-deep in the mud, as a crossing has been laid near the bottom of George-street.

Nov 22nd 1862: SERMONS – Two sermons were preached at St. James’ Church on Sunday last in aid of the Ship-wrecked Mariner’ Relief Society by the Revs. Henry EWBANK and F. SULLIVAN. The collections amounted to £18.17s.8d.

Nov 22nd 1862: STREET LAMPS – Now Ryde is under the system of elections and “energetic” men are elected, the result is, the gas company gets their price, but there is neither the stipulated brilliancy nor size in the lights. The dark and gloomy state of the streets is absolutely disgraceful, and to pay the price our “energetic” men do, is a barefaced robbery of the rates.

Nov 29th 1862: AMATEUR CORPS – We hear that a band of young men in the town have formed themselves into a society for the purpose of giving two amateur theatrical performances before Christmas; the first for the benefit of the funds of the Isle of Wight Infirmary, the second for the purpose of defraying expenses which they will incur.

Nov 29th 1862: RUNAWAY NAG – A pony, harnessed to a trap, was left outside a hostelry known as the “Crown Tap,” by its owner while he enjoyed a “wet” on Monday afternoon. Some idle boys commenced plaguing the animal, it bolted dragging its master, who had rushed out, across the road, much to his affrightment and disfigurement of his wardrobe.