November 1863
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Nov 7th 1863: WORKS OF ART – Last week we had the pleasure of inspecting three coats of arms which have been executed by Messrs. T. and J. DASHWOOD, builders of this town, for Le Marchant THOMAS, esq., of Sea Grove. The intention is to fix them at his residence in Guernsey.
Nov 7th 1863: FATAL ACCIDENT – We understand a subscription list, to meet the distress of the bereaved widow and family of the late John FIELDER, who came to such an untimely end in Southampton Water, has been opened by some of our townsmen at the Royal Kent Hotel.
Nov 7th 1863: STONE THROWING – William JORDAN, schoolmaster at Binstead, and the Rev. P. HEWETT, said this nuisance had reached an alarming extent in Binstead; the cemetery chapel and school windows were continually requiring repairs, and it was really necessary something should be done to stop it.
Nov 14th 1863: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN – The gulley at the corner of Brunswick-place and Newport-road is in so defective a condition that any one stepping on it is likely to get a broken leg; indeed, we have lately heard of several narrow escapes. The good old proverb of “Prevention is better than cure” should be acted upon.
Nov 14th 1863: CAUTION – On Tuesday evening last a servant girl in passing over from the Post-office to Mr. HAND’s shop was violently struck down with a shutter by the porter which completely stunned her, her head and eye being fearfully cut. She was conveyed home and a physician sent for. She has ever since kept to her bed.
Nov 21st 1863: INFIRMARY LODGE – We have had the pleasure of inspecting some very pretty plans, kindly given by Mr. HELLYER of Bouverie-house, of a lodge to be built at the south entrance to the Infirmary. After the miserable, poverty-stricken, cold-looking cottages, on the opposite side of the way above the Falcon, this lodge will have a refreshing appearance.
Nov 21st 1863: MOORINGS – We understand that yachtsmen are up in arms and will stoutly oppose any interference on the part of the Ferry Company with the moorings laid down in our roadstead. Until the plans, &c., are deposited on the 30th inst., we are not in a position to give an opinion.
Nov 21st 1863: PUBLIC v BUILDERS – Our attention has been directed to the disgraceful condition the thoroughfare for foot passengers is left in opposite the building in Pier-street and opposite the building for Mr. DIMMICK in High-street. We wonder how the Inspector of Nuisances employs his ample leisure.
Nov 28th 1863: LETTER TO THE EDITOR – Sir, I wish to trouble you with just one thing, relative to the tomb erected (by myself) to the memory of the late General Sir James Lillyman CALDWELL, G.C.B. In your last impression you stated that it was an horizontal cross in Caen stone. I beg to correct that statement by informing you that the whole of the tomb is in the best Portland stone. Your obedient servant, Joseph ELLERY. Cemetery works, 120 High-street, Ryde.
Nov 28th 1863: COMMISSIONERS – A special meeting of this body was held to consider the plans for converting a portion of the western end of the Market into a room for transacting such public business relating to the town as the Commissioners shall from time to time direct, or allow to be held or transacted therein.