November 1872
Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde
Nov 2nd 1872: HARVEST THANKSGIVING – The harvest thanksgiving services were held on Friday at the parish church of All Saints. The sermon in the morning was preached by the Rev. H. WHITE, M.A., Minister of the Savoy Chapel, Chaplin to the Queen and the House of commons. The children of the parochial schools were treated to a tea at the Victoria Rooms in the afternoon.
Nov 2nd 1872: RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION – On Tuesday evening this association had one of the largest meetings ever held in Ryde, the large Townhall being crammed to excess. There could not have been less than a thousand persons present, and all were intensely interested in the great crisis of the moment.
Nov 2nd 1872: RYDE & PORTSMOUTH STEAM PACKET COMPANY – A half-yearly meeting was held at the Ryde Townhall. The resolution was adopted:–“That the directors be empowered and urged to compete vigorously with the uncalled for opposition threatened by certain speculators by providing smaller craft for the conveyance of passengers at as cheap a rate or cheaper than the rival company, to protect the interests of the company and the public by checking such a retrograde movement.”
Nov 2nd 1872: PENNY READINGS – The series of entertainments organised by the Rev. Dr. NOBLE has been highly successful, and none more so than that which took place on Monday evening, when the large Townhall was literally crammed.
Nov 6th 1872: BOROUGH SESSIONS – Miss SELLS, of George-street, was summoned for unlawfully taking a dog on the Pier, contrary to the bye-laws. The Bench ordered defendant to pay a fine of 10s. and costs; John SPRAGG, of Sea View, was fined 2s 6d and costs for being drunk and disorderly in Ryde, the case being proved by Police-constable FRY.
Nov 13th 1872: ROYAL I.W. INFIRMARY – The twenty-fifth annual report has been issued by the governors of this institution. The newly erected fever wards are now completely furnished and ready for occupation. The services of Mrs. CAPON, for ten years matron to the Infirmary, have been duly recorded by a testimonial presented to her on her accepting a higher appointment at Bradford Infirmary, and the duties of her office are now being satisfactorily performed by her successor, Miss WOODCOCK.
Nov 16th 1872: ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION – At the weekly meeting of this association, held on Tuesday evening, Mr. C. W. SALTER, the organist, delivered an able lecture on “Mozart.” He traced the career of the great musician from his birth to his early death at the age of 36. He described the wonderful genius which made Mozart a musical prodigy at the age of 5.
Nov 16th 1872: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – The Countess of Limerick has returned to her residence, Trinity Villa; Lady Alice HEWITT has returned to South Villa, after a two months’ tour of Ireland; Admiral WIGSTON has arrived at Richmond House, Strand.
Nov 27th 1872: RYDE BENEVOLENT SOCIETY – The 44th annual report of this excellent society has just been issued, by which it appears that during the past year 259 cases have been relieved and the balance remains in the hands of the treasurer of £18. 11s. 7d. A donation f £5 from Lady LORING and a congregational collection of £10 from St. James’s Church are acknowledged. The lady visitors are thanked for their untiring duties in their various districts.
Nov 30th 1872: THE WEATHER – November is, generally speaking, the worst month of the year, and in the present year it is memorable for its storms and the catalogue of shipwrecks and casualties on the sea. In addition to the usual wind and rain, about 5 o’clock on Tuesday morning a terrific storm burst over Ryde when thunder, lightning, and hail, accompanied with a tremendous gale of wind, occurred, sufficient to appal the stoutest heart, and snow fell for some considerable time and covered the roads. As far as we have heard, however, no damage occurred in or about Ryde.