Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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November 1873

Hampshire Advertiser: – Agent, Mr H. N. MILLS Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde

Nov 8th 1873:  SCHOOL BOARD – at a meeting a letter was read from Mr. JENKINS, the master of the boys’ school, in which he expressed a wish to withdraw his resignation (which was presented at a former meeting).—The subject gave rise to a long discussion, the result being that the board unanimously decided upon accepting the former resignation.

Nov 15th 1873:  BANQUET AT THE PIER HOTEL – On Wednesday evening a banquet was given, on the occasion of the presentation of a handsome piece of plate to Mr. Henry BRADY, on his retirement, late the resident engineer in this district, upon the South-Western Railway.  There were about thirty gentlemen present.  The spread was of a very superior character and the worthy host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs BARNES, were frequently complimented. TOLLERVEY’s string band performed on the lawn in front of the dining room.

Nov 15th 1873:  WOMEN’S SUFFRAGE – At the weekly meeting of the Conservative Association held at the Anglesea, a spirited discussion on the claims of women, the proposition before the meeting being that women of position should be entitled to vote.   The discussion was adjourned till Wednesday next.

Nov 19th 1873: – DEFEAT OF THE GAS COMPANY – The intelligence of the defeat of the Gas Company in their action on Friday last, at the Court of Queen’s Bench, for the purpose of compelling the town to complete the purchase of the Gas Works at the enormous price of £58,000, created quite a sensation in the Town on Friday evening.  The Mayor and Sir Collingwood DICKSON, Mr. BOWLBY, and other gentlemen accepted seats on the Town Council, a year ago, with the express view of frustrating the Gas Company in forcing the town to buy the works, and their object has been accomplished.

Nov 19th 1873:  “WHITE-GLOVE” DAY – There was no case to occupy the court on Monday morning, at the weekly sitting of the borough magistrates.

Nov 19th 1873:  A PIANOFORTE RECITAL – was given on Saturday afternoon by Mr. Charles HALLÉ, who was assisted by the clever violinist, Madame Norman NERUDA.  There was a fashionable attendance, and the audience manifested their appreciation of the performance by frequent outbursts of enthusiastic applause.

Nov 22nd 1873:  CONCERT – On Thursday evening a very successful concert was given in the large assembly room of the Townhall by the members of the newly organised Ryde Choral Association, under the conductorship of Mr. JENKINS, Miss TURTLE accompanied the vocalists on the pianoforte.  There was a numerous and thoroughly appreciative audience, and the whole of the proceedings passed off satisfactorily.

Nov 26th 1873:  BOROUGH PETTY SESSIONS – A boy, named Walter MARTIN, was charged with stealing coal, the property of Edwin COLMAN.—The case was proved by Henry S. FAIRALL, whose evidence was to the effect that the defendant took the coal off a loaded cart.—Defendant was imprisoned four days, and to receive six strokes of the birch rod.

Nov 29th 1873:  A POOR ORPHAN BOY – A boy named John MARTIN, 11 years of age, was charged with vagrancy before the magistrates on Thursday morning. Mr. John LAUGHAM, of Player-street, said the boy came to his home, and expressed a wish that he would take him in, and give him a bed.  He said that he had no father or mother and had nowhere to live. It was understood that the boy’s father had dropped dead in a barge at Portchester some time since, and his mother died at Cowes about a fortnight ago, and was buried by the parish.  The case was remanded till Monday.