November 1915
Isle of Wight Observer:-
Nov 6th 1915: DOGS – On Wednesday morning Walter JOLLIFFE, aged 8 years, living at Binstead, was victim of a ferocious attack by two or three bull dogs belonging to Mr. CROSBY-SMITH, of Newnham-road, Binstead. He was trundelling his hoop when the animals rushed out, biting him on the face, neck and other parts of the body. A postman named HARRIS proceeded to his rescue. Although his condition at the Royal I.W. County Hospital is serious, he is doing as well as could be expected.
Nov 6th 1915: FLAG DAY – The Mayor, at the request of Lady PADGET, is making arrangements for a flag day, in order to raise funds for the Russian wounded and prisoners of war. Several ladies have already volunteered their services.
Nov 6th 1915: AMBULANCE DAY – On Tuesday next the entire profits from the Island halls have been promised to the fund to be raised to present a complete motor ambulance convoy to the nation for use at the Front from the cinemas of Great Britain, this includes the Theatre Royal, Ryde.
Nov 6th 1915: RESIGNATION – The Education Sub-Committee reported the resignation of Miss G. M. BERRY, a certificated assistant, girl’s department, Ryde Church of England school, to take effect on the 8th November. The resignation had been brought about through Miss BERRY’s parents having left Ryde. As a teacher she had rendered good service and they were sorry to lose her (hear, hear).
Nov 6th 1915: LOYAL SERVICE – The Education Sub-Committee recommended that Mr. R. J. WELCH, assistant, boy’s department, Ryde Church of England school, be granted an honorarium for loyal services after the rate of £10 per annum, to be paid quarterly from the 20th September 1915.
Nov 6th 1915: RECITAL – On Tuesday afternoon an organ and violin recital was given at All Saints Church, by Mr. E. G. WELSH, the organist, and Mr. Edgar MOUNCHER. There was a numerous congregation present. A collection on behalf of the Ashey Mission realised £8.
Nov 13th 1915: WAR HOSPITAL SUPPLY DEPOT – This depot will be open from Wednesday next for workers at the Town Hall. There will be work for everyone in the following departments:- bandaging, swab-making, needlework. All workers are expected to pay 3d. Per week, or for Thursdays only, 1d. Overalls and caps are to be worn, or hired at a small charge.
Nov 13th 1915: THEATRE ROYAL – A Pathe drama “The Flight that Saves,” in which there are some wonderful waterplane adventures, will be screened at this picture house during the earliest part of next week and on Thursday and the remainder of the week, the thrilling drama “The Ghost Breaker.”
Nov 13th 1915: WANTED – Two Lady Contralto Singers and Two Gentlemen Tenors required to give their services for good charity about 1½ hours in Ryde.—Apply at once, “A.J.”, Office of this Paper.
Nov 13th 1915: KIND ENQUIRY – Dear Sir.—If any of your readers having relations (Island men) wounded or sick in the hospitals at Sheffield and Chesterfield and will furnish me with their names and hospital, I shall be pleased to visit and do what is possible to cheer them up. I have already visited Ryde men at the Warnecliffe War Hospital, Sheffield, and they seemed pleased to have visitors, their relatives and friends being such a long way off. Yours faithfully, George HOLDEN, Sheffield.
Nov 13th 1915: ARMY CONTRACTS – Tenders for the supply of Frozen Meat, Bread, and Baking Bread (Flour supplied from Government Stock) for the period 1st January 1916 to 31st March 1916, at Stations in the Isle of Wight, will be received at the Army Service Corps, High Street, Portsmouth.
Nov 20th 1915: CADET CORPS INSPECTED – On Monday evening Lieut.-Colonel W. T. ARNELL, V.D., commanding the 3rd Cadet (I.W.) Battalion Hants Regiment, inspected the local Corps at the Drill Hall, Lind Street. The Company mustered 88, under the command of Captain J. W. TRODD.