November 1917
Isle of Wight Observer:
Nov 3rd 1917: TRANSPORT PROBLEM – A scheme is under consideration to co-ordinate a goods delivery system, thus where several bakers are engaged in delivering bread in the same district, using a man, horse and cart, or motor, for this purpose, they will be compelled to combine and arrange a reduced or single service delivery. If they refuse they would be prohibited from using mechanical means of transport.
Nov 3rd 1917: MUNITION WORKERS – There have been many enquiries as to what has become of the munition workers for whom billets have been taken in the town. So far none of them have put in an appearance and people who have had their rooms officially inspected are wondering what the outcome of it all will be.
Nov 3rd 1917: 60 YEARS AGO – From the IW Observer 1857. A recruiting parting have been in Ryde the past week, and notwithstanding that they are dashing fellows and dressed up handsomely in red “cloth,” instead of “baize,” and have medals conspicuously displayed upon their breast, they fail in getting many “to take the shilling.” Working men in Ryde don’t see military services rightly. They look at it as “a shilling a day to be shot at,” with a flayed back, and a miserable pension.
Nov 3rd 1917: HANWAY STROLLERS – The expected has happened, and the Hanway Strollers have dissolved. It is to be regretted that circumstance have arisen which have brought about the undoing of this talented amateur company. It is just possible the dismembered party, or some of them, may re-appear under a different name before long.
Nov 3rd 1917: FISH – Some splendid catches of whiting have taken place off Ryde this week. Although the supply has been so plentiful the price asked for the fish is on all fours with the current order of things.
Nov 10th 1917: FIREMEN – Owing to the Worcester Regiment leaving Ryde, the Fire Brigade had lost the services of the soldier firemen, and were consequently very short of men, and it was hoped by notifying to the public, through the Council, that applications would be gladly received from any persons willing to join the Fire Brigade Volunteer Force, the Fire Brigade would be kept up to its full strength.
Nov 10th 1917: STABLES – The Public Works Committee reported that a plan for the erection of new stables in Newport Street, was deposited by Mr S. ADAMS for Mr W. W. ODELL on the 23rd inst., and recommended that such plan, being in accordance with the bye-laws, be approved.
Nov 17th 1917: PIGSTIES DESTROYED – On Monday evening, about 10.30, a fire broke out at the premises of Mr SQUIBB, 14 High-street, Oakfield, believed to be caused by the overheating of the copper immediately adjacent to some pigsties. The pigsties were destroyed, but thanks to the efforts of the neighbours, under the direction of Acting-Sergeant MORRISON, the fire was confined to the building, which was however, practically burnt out.
Nov 17th 1917: CADETS – The Ryde Cadet Company is losing an excellent and much esteemed officer in the Captain George FARDELL. There are many lads in the town who would be much better employed than they are at present if they could be induced to join the Cadets.
Nov 17th 1917: ALMANAC – The “Abdulla” Almanac for 1918 is a fine artistic production, the pictures in black and white and in colours being the reproductions of many well known artistes. These are on sale for the benefit of the British Red Cross Society who will receive 1s. for every 1s.4d. copy sold.
Nov 24th 1917: WAIFS AND STRAYS – The special preacher at All Saints’ Parish Church on Sunday evening was the Rev Edward LUMLEY, B.A., organising secretary of the diocese of the Church of England Waifs and Strays, and a part of the offertory, amounting to about £5, was devoted to the funds for carrying on this excellent work.