Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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October 1874

Isle of Wight Observer:

Oct 3rd 1874:  GREAT NOVELTY – We understand that Mr. AYLWARD has secured at considerable expense, the services of the “Viennese Orchestra of Ladies,” for one morning performance in Ryde October 22nd.  These ladies—numbering nearly forty—have only appeared in London this season and created a positive furore by their magnificent playing and novel appearance.  They perform classical as well as popular music.  No doubt these foreign ladies will attract a crowded house in Ryde.

Oct 3rd 1874:  TYROLESE SINGERS – These well-known singers gave two performances at the Town-hall on Friday evening and Saturday morning, and again attracted fashionable audiences.  The singing, and the performance upon their singular Tyrolese instruments have been spoken of so often.

Oct 3rd 1874:  NEGLECTED ENCLOSURE – It has been confidently affirmed that never before has there been so great an exodus from London as there has been during the present season.  However, one of the greatest eyesores about the place is the piece of waste land upon the Esplanade, which still remains in much the same condition as it was two years ago.  Visitors to the town, are sure to carry away a bad impression of the place when they view such a large piece of waste and neglected ground as soon as they get off the pier.

Oct 3rd 1874:  LICENSING ACT 1874 – This Act will come into operation on Sunday week, the 10th of October, when the licensed houses will have to close on week days as follows:  Those situated within the boroughs of Ryde and Newport and Local Board districts, at 11 p.m.  The time for opening throughout the Island on week days will be 6 a.m.

Oct 10th 1874:  “ONCE-A-WEEK” – This magazine has been much improved lately, and the number for this month is full of interesting reading.  The stories are not long, and should any one buy a number to read on a railway journey, after an exciting chapter, which has whetted his appetite and made him, like Oliver Twist, ask “for more.”

Oct 10th 1874:  OLD FRIEND WITH NEW FACE – For some time past the clock on St. Thomas’ Church tower has presented rather a dingy aspect, the figures being so indistinct that they were scarcely visible.  This defect has during the past week, we are happy to see, been remedied, and the old clock, which is really useful, has come forth resplendent with fresh paint and brightly gilt figures.

Oct 10th 1874:  ACCIDENT – On Monday last, a man named James CHESSEL, living at Oakfield, one of the town labourers, was at work in a trench in Star-street, where a new drain is being laid down, a quantity of earth and gravel at the sides fell upon him and almost completely buried him.  He received some severe injuries; he now remains at his home and is rapidly recovering.

Oct 17th 1874:  PROPOSED AQUARIUM – We have been favoured with a view of some plans prepared by Mr. GRITTEN, architect, for an aquarium which it is supposed to erect on the Esplanade here. The plans show the aquarium as a very handsome building, with a slender clock tower in the centre.  The general height of the building would be about 40ft., and its length rather less than 600ft.  The tank service will extend over nearly 800ft.  The building, in addition to the tanks, will have a large concert room, a conservatory where people may walk and still hear the music of the band.

Oct 24th 1874:  THE THEATRE – It is with great pleasure we announce that our fine theatre, which has so long been deserted, has been purchased by a number of local gentlemen whom it is stated, have secured it upon very reasonable terms.  No time will be lost in opening the building, and we trust that in the hands of those who have better opportunity of understanding local requirement than strangers, the theatre will be a greater success than it was.

Oct 24th 1874:  SKATING RINK – This novelty still continues to attract large numbers to the Victoria-rooms.  An additional attraction will be provided tomorrow (Saturday), the splendid band of the Royal Marines being engaged to play upon the occasion.