Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
  • MENU

October 1967

Isle of Wight Times:

Oct 5th 1967:  GAS FEDERATION – Mr. Stephen ROSS the Island Liberal candidate, gave a talk on antiques to members of the Women’s Gas Federation, at their monthly meeting, held at the Southern Gas Showrooms on Monday.  Mrs. M. WEBSTER, in charge of social activities, described a recent trip to Windsor by 28 ladies.

Oct 5th 1967:  MAKE-DO AND MEND – Ryde Sea Rangers’ winter activities will be concentrated on getting the 23-ton sloop Rascel seaworthy.  Work will be done on Saturday afternoons, commencing this week.  New members welcome at Fishbourne H.Q.

Oct 12th 1967:  BIRTHS – Ryde’s illegitimacy rate, 48 in Ryde during 1966, the subject of heated controversy in the Borough Council in recent years, continues to rise.  The rate for 1966 of 13.9 per cent was the highest on record, states the Medical Officer, in the annual report for that year, just published.  The report reveals that the level was almost double the national rate.  Legitimate births totalled 295.

Oct 12th 1967:  DAY OUT – Canapes, boeuf Mexicaine, choufleur morney, were just part of the menu when Lightbowns Social Club had a break for lunch on Thursday whilst on a day trip to London.  Haute cuisine of the highest standard was served at Ealing Technical College where the students gave the Islanders V.I.P treatment.  After a conducted tour and high tea at London Airport the party saw the Black and White Minstrel Show at the Victoria Palace.

Oct 12th 1967:  STICK-ON REGISTRATION – Hundreds of garages and shops throughout the country, offering stick-on vehicle registration numbers and letters for sale, are tempting motorists to break the law.  “Readily removeable” lettering of that nature is prohibited, said Mr. Henry IRELAND, Clerk to the Magistrates, at Ryde on Thursday.

Oct 12th 1967:  EVERY ONE A WINNER – Builder Ron SOUTHWELL, of Alfred Street, Ryde, laid the foundation for success at the 14th annual Ryde Social Club horticultural show which was held at club premises on Thursday and Friday.  His superb blooms won first prize in every chrysanthemum class, and he also retained his own cup for the most points in the floral classes.

Oct 19th 1967:  LAND SALE – A London company yesterday paid £100,000 for 78 acres of Binstead Lodge Farm, Binstead, at a Ryde auction.  The land is scheduled for residential development and will be developed by a Shanklin subsidiary.

Oct 19th 1967:  TAXIS ARE NOT HORSE-DRAWN – Police invoked an old Act relating to horses to summon two taxi drivers on Thursday, but at the last minute withdrew them.  Inspector Frederick ALLAN told the Borough Magistrates that it had been decided to offer no evidence against the drivers who were accused of “leaving a hackney carriage unattended.”

Oct 19th 1967:  OLE! BELLEVUE PLAYERS – This was their finest hour.  The Bellevue Players can be justifiably proud of their first-rate presentation of Somerset Maugham’s “The Noble Spaniard,” at the Esplanade Pavilion, Ryde, on Friday and Saturday.

Oct 19th 1967:  HOME-MADE CARDS – A new and successful enterprise in aid of church funds is taking place at St. John’s Church.  Maj. C. W. PROCTOR has taken photographs of the inside of the church which have been made into Christmas cards.  So successful is the idea that out of 500 cards printed he has only four dozen left.

Oct 26th 1967:  MATINEE GUESTS – Ryde Carnival Association entertained 300 children at the Plaza Cinema on Monday afternoon, when children who featured in the “Children’s Day” procession received a gift of sweets.  Arrangements were made by Procession Committee in conjunction with Plaza management.