Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde Sept 7th 1872:  RYDE ROYAL REGATTA – The regatta commenced on Thursday with a variety of races, including a Tub Race for Boys under 16 years of age.  Prizes:  10s and 5s: losers 2s.6d. each. Eight started. Sept 11th 1872:  RYDE PIER COMPANY

Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde Aug 7th 1872:  JUVENILE GARDEN ROBBERS – James PITT, George PITT, and Alfred GAPES, aged 7, 8, and 10, were charged with stealing peas from a garden belonging to Mr. Frederick William YOUNG, of Union-street.  The case was proved by Albert HERBERT, who

Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde July 6th 1872:  NEW CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH – This new handsome building, erected from designs by Mr. J. JONES, was formally opened on Tuesday.  The Mayor and Corporation and several of the borough magistrates attended on the occasion.  At both services during the day

Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde Jun 1st 1872:  CORONATION DAY – As usual the 28th of June will be a holiday in Ryde and several kinds of amusements are already announced.  There will be all kinds of rural sports, and should the weather prove fine there is no

Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde May 1st 1872:  TRINITY CHURCH – The proceeds of the late concert for the organ chamber of Holy Trinity Church, after all the expenses were paid, amounted to £28. 3s. 3d. besides a subscription of £1, kindly sent by the Rev. Alex, POOLE.

Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde Apr 13th 1872:  RYDE AMATEUR MUSICAL SOCIETY – The sixteenth of this society’s concerts was given at the Townhall on Tuesday evening.  The attendance was not as numerous as usual, probably in consequence of there being two or three other matters going on

Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde Mar 2nd 1872:  WORKMEN’S STRIKE – A number of workmen in the building line are out on strike.  The men wish to leave off at 4 o’clock on Saturdays, and to receive their wages on Fridays.  To this nearly all the employers have

Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde Feb 3rd 1872:  WORKING MEN’S CONSERVATIVE ASSN – The annual dinner of this association took place at the Town-hall on Wednesday evening, on which occasion the Hon. Somerset CALTHORPE occupied the chair.  A capital supply was served up by Mrs. BRADING, to which

Hampshire Advertiser: – Agents the Misses GIBBS, Royal Marine Library, Union-street, Ryde Jan 3rd 1872:  OLD AND NEW – Special services in connection with the departure of the year 1871 were held in several of the churches and chapels on Sunday.  The birth of the new year was ushered in by a merry peal from

Hampshire Telegraph – Agent: Mr. THURLOW Dec 2nd 1871:  HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS – The improvement Committee recommended that a temporary wooden framed, one-roomed house be erected at St. John’s toll-gate, near Ryde, and that a bar be placed on the cross-road leading into the Oakfield-road.—Mr. MORGAN, who was present, said he would allow the Commissioners to