Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Looking Back

Isle of Wight Times: Mar 7th 1968:  CENTENARY SUMMER – 70 representatives from local organisations met at the Town Hall to consider suggestions for celebrating the borough centenary (the Royal Charter was granted on July 23, 1868).  Said Ald. CLEAVER: “It is not intended that the celebrations will be confined to July 23.  There will

Isle of Wight Times: Feb 1st 1968:  FIRST OFFENDER – One of the first motorists in the country, and the first in the Isle of Wight, to be charged after a breathalyser test on Thursday received his third driving ban for an offence concerning cars and drink, he admitted driving while his blood level was

Isle of Wight Times: Jan 4th 1968:  OLD FLAMES – Ryde firemen quickly dealt with a chimney blaze at the old people’s homes, St. John’s Road, on Monday afternoon. Jan 4th 1968:  TOO LATE – It may well be too late to appeal for the preservation of the magnificent cedar trees in the grounds of

Isle of Wight Times: Dec 7th 1967:  SCHOOL – Lack of adequate facilities, to the extent that once again speech day had to be held at Ryde Town Hall, continues to aggravate Bishop Lovett Secondary School.  This was made clear by the Headmaster, Mr. V. P. EVANS, who yesterday told a large audience: “Each year

Isle of Wight Times: Nov 2nd 1967: BELLEVUE PLAYERS – This is too good a company ever to turn in a really bad performance; even their off-days produce a standard which many amateur groups would be proud.  The only trouble with this is, Audiences—and critics—come to expect possibly too much from them. Nov 2nd 1967: 

Isle of Wight Times: Oct 5th 1967:  GAS FEDERATION – Mr. Stephen ROSS the Island Liberal candidate, gave a talk on antiques to members of the Women’s Gas Federation, at their monthly meeting, held at the Southern Gas Showrooms on Monday.  Mrs. M. WEBSTER, in charge of social activities, described a recent trip to Windsor

Isle of Wight Times: Sept 7th 1967:  POOLS WINNER – Mrs A. ORCHARD, of Ryde, has won £1,961.11s. for one shilling on the League of Spastics Club Pools competition. Sept 7th 1967:  BELLEVUE PLAYERS – With only a fortnight between two Autumn productions, the Bellevue Players have embarked on a very active 1967-68 season.  The

Isle of Wight Times: Aug 3rd 1967:  BLACK SHEEP – When his “sheep” occasionally stray from their “fold” it is the duty of the clergyman to round them up and put them on the right path once more.  The Rector of Binstead, the Rev. Clifford TARGETT has had to face this problem more than once. 

July 6th 1967:  POLICEMEN – Thanks to the Island’s police, the exhausting job of keeping the traffic moving with the minimum of delay at the Industries Fair, was accomplished with deceptive ease.  In weather which fluctuated from driving rain to sweltering heat, they did their job in an efficient and polite manner. July 6th 1967: 

Isle of Wight Times:- June 1st 1967:  DIDN’T HARK THE BARK – A spirited display by Brandy, the poodle guard-dog at the Commercial Inn, Oakfield High Street, went unheeded on Friday.  In the small hours, Brandy became restless and woke his mistress.  Brandy kept growling, but was told not to make a fuss.  The licensee