September 1860
Isle of Wight Observer
Sept 1st 1860: A MILLIONARE – a fortnight ago died at Birmingham, Mr. COTTERILL, a man who, by extraordinary application to business and judicious investments, amassed the enormous sum of £1,000,000, which, with the exception of a few small legacies, he has bequeathed to the SCHOLEFIELD and REDFERN families. Mr. T. SCHOLEFIELD of Stratton Cottage, Nelson-street is, we understand, one of the fortunate legatees.
Sept 1st 1860: ACCIDENT – On Tuesday morning, at the Baths adjoining the Club-house as a lady was entering a machine from off a plank, her foot slipped, and she was precipitated into the sea. Although there were no more than 3 feet of water, yet it was likely to have been fatal to her as in struggling she forced herself into deeper water, but was happily rescued from this perilous position by Mr. James RAYNER.
Sept 1st 1860: SEEN & BOUGHT ON THE ESPLANADE – There are no things perhaps for which fashionable promenaders have such unmistakeable horror and dread as they have for itinerant vendors of articles and the disgusting exhibitors of white mice and Guinea pigs. Then how often must those who frequent the Esplanade be subject to such horror-striking agency? Other items seen: pin-cushion made lace, Birmingham jewellery, baskets of plants, dolls, crochet, parasols, garden chairs, parrots, sweetmeats, model ships, deaf and dumb alphabets, sponge and air-balls. Altogether the Esplanade at certain hours of the day may be justly called a fancy bazaar.
Sept 8th 1860: FASHIONABLE SEASON – The Isle of Wight has at last attained its wonted prosperity. Visitors, including the ex-Queen of the French, several Russian Princes and Princesses, and other aristocracies, have arrive in Ryde and Shanklin.
Sept 15th 1860: FIRE – broke out on the premises of Mrs READ in George-street, which near upon ending disastrously. It was the result of a careless fellow, lacking a watchful mother by his side, who had taken a book to read in bed, and after some time fell asleep, and as a matter of course the candle fell over and set fire to the bed and bedclothes.
Sept 15th 1860: CRICKET – The return match in aid of funds of the Royal Isle of Wight Infirmary was played at Ryde-House Park, the seat of Miss PLAYER, on wednesday, between eleven gentlemen and eleven tradesmen of Ryde. There were not more than 200 visitors to the ground during the day. After play, the tradesmen’s party sat down to a substantial spread at the Thatched-house Tavern, and spent a comfortable evening.
Sept 15th 1860: NEW HOTEL – We have just been favoured with the sight of the plans for a new hotel, proposed to be built on the site now occupied by the Castle on the Strand. The design was made by Thomas HELLYER, esq., architect, Ryde, and is of Gothic principles. The effect of the proposed structure, to judge from the plan, will be most imposing and add another of the already many handsome buildings on the Esplanade. The building of the hotel, we are informed, will cause an outlay of £30,000, which sum will be raised by shares.
Sept 22nd 1860: CHURCH VISIT – Her Majesty the ex-Queen of the French and suite, attended Divine service on Sunday last at St. Marie’s.
Sept 29th 1860: SCHOONER AGROUND – On Tuesday morning the schooner “Diana”, run aground on a bank between the Pier Head and the Sandhead buoy. No damage resulted, we understand, and she floated off on the afternoon’s flood.