September 1964
Isle of Wight Times:-
Sept 3rd 1964: SCHOOLS -With reference to the schools in the Oakfield and Elmfield area, the children are very fortunate in that generous benefactors in the past have given them money, land and property, to be used solely for school purposes. As these are held in trust, we trust that the trustees will act promptly to see that the children are not defrauded of what is legally theirs.
Sept 3rd 1964: VOICES – A tape recorded message of greeting from the bridegroom’s parents in Australia was a surprise feature at a Ryde wedding reception on Saturday, the couple Miss Sylvia Anne WICKENS and Mr. Michael Patrick DAVIS.
Sept 3rd 1964: GYMKHANA – In ideal weather both for competitors and spectators, and the going, near perfect, Binstead F.C. held their annual mounted gymkhana at the football ground on Saturday. The age old myth in the equine world that chestnut horses are inclined to “hot up,” was dispelled.
Sept 3rd 1964: HARVEST SALE – A record £101.2s. was raised at the Lake Huron’s fourth annual harvest sale at Haylands on Friday in aid of the Mayor of Ryde’s Goodwill Fund. The sale was held in the lounge bar.
Sept 3rd 1964: HOME APPEAL – Most people will know of the work of the Abbeyfield Society throughout the country in providing suitable accommodation for elderly citizens. The local branch of the society has been grateful to receive donations, but still more fiancial support is needed.
Sept 10th 1964: CARNIVAL – Alderman RAMAGE said “this year’s Ryde Carnival was one of the finest I can remember.” A letter was read from Mr. REED, hon. sec. of the Carnival Association, thanking the corporation and commenting on the borough floral float: “It was a highlight of the carnival processions and received praise from all quarters.”
Sept 17th 1964: MATRONS – Hostesses at I.W. County Council guest homes will in future be known as matrons and will be paid in accordance with the national scales for matrons, it was also agreed to reclassify ward orderlies as attendants on the aged and infirm (class 2)
Sept 17th 1964: ANCIENT BUSHES – The two protective bushes at the head of the shore steps just east of Seaview Yacht Club, have been removed because one was deteriorating. The bushes, believed to be members of the tea plant family, have been on the site for more than 70 years.
Sept 17th 1964: OPINION GROUP – The third meeting of the Opinion Group was held at the Anglesea Tavern clubroom on Tuesday when Mr. Leonard CRAMP, chairman of the I.W. Unidentified Flying Object Investigation Society, gave an illustrated talk on flying saucers.
Sept 17th 1964: CONCERT – At their Sunday evening concert at the Eastern Gardens Pavilion, Ryde Borough Band gave a performance to a full house. Opening with the march “The Thin Red Line,” the band followed with a selection of some of Sullivan’s popular pieces.
Sept 17th 1964: WEDDING – Jokes have been made about it, and cartoonists have drawn it, but it was one of those things that didn’t happen. It did. At an All Saints’ wedding, the best man asked the bridegroom for the ring, but he did not have it, nor did the bridegroom, who excused himself, jumped into a car and dashed home to Brading for the forgotten ring. The bride alerted, waited at home.