Isle of Wight Observer:-
Apr 12th 1862: WELLINGTON LODGE – R. G. DUFF, esq., chairman of the Ryde bench of magistrates, arrived on Friday last, for the purpose of making arrangements for letting his marine residence, Wellington Lodge, for a term of years. This step is deemed necessary in consequence of the undivided attention required on his part in the management of the immense estate of his son (Assheton SMITH esq), during his minority. Afterwards it is the intention of Mr. and Mrs. DUFF to resume their residence amongst us.
Apr 12th 1862: RYDE COMMISSIONERS – A letter was read from Mr. WALLIS, asking the Board to grant him a license for a slaughter-house at the back of his property in High-street. Mr. FUTCHER moved that the application be not entertained. If a license were granted it would be establishing a bad precedent; at the same time, he regretted that there was not a public slaughter-house provided by the town.
Apr 19th 1862: FASHIONABLE INTELLIGENCE – Sir Henry and Lady YOUNG arrived at No. 4 St. George’s-terrace, on Tuesday; General and the Misses GRANT have arrived at Durham-house, Esplanade; The Rev. J. BOYS SMITH has been appointed curate of St. Thomas’s Church.
Apr 19th 1862: HILL-STREET – What are the gentlemen who form the Highway Committee doing that they leave this street in such an abominable state? The pavement, such as it is, is sunken on the outer side in all sorts of ways, rendering it extremely dangerous to walk upon. The road has been in an imperfect state ever since the sewer to drain the cemetery was laid a few months ago.
Apr 19th 1862: PETITION – A petition has been carried round the town, during the past week, for signatures. When filled up, it will be forwarded to Lord Westbury, the Lord Chancellor. The prayer of the petition is to get a court appointed in Ryde for the hearing of Income Tax and Property Tax appeals, and for the disposal of business now discharged in the Newport County Court.
Apr 26th 1862: ENTERTAINMENT – Mr. J. G. JONES (late bandmaster of the 16th Queen’s Lancers) Bandmaster of the Hants Yeomanry Cavalry, and Mr. J. G. JONES, jun, performed at the Countess METAXA’s on Wednesday night. On the Friday the same distinguished musicians performed at Mr. WYMAN’s.
Apr 26th 1862: MILITIA – Sir John LEES, bart., captain 1st corps Isle of Wight Volunteers, has left Ryde to join the Hants Light Infantry Militia at Winchester, now there assembled, he holding a commission as captain in that regiment.
Apr 26th 1862: ARRIVAL THE MOTHERBANK – A fine Russian screw frigate, named the Oleg, arrived at the Motherbank on Wednesday last.
Apr 26th 1862: FLOATING BATHS – The directors of the Ryde Floating Bath Company held a meeting last week: and, it was found to be impracticable to get the baths in readiness for summer use. They resolved to abandon the scheme for the present.
Apr 26th 1862: THEATRE – We understand our little theatre here will be open earlier than usual this season, and will entirely be decorated and painted, under the management of Mr. George HODSON, the Irish comedian, from the Haymarket and Covent-Garden theatres. Many old favourites will appear:- Madame CELESTE, Miss Amy SEDGEWICK, Mr. ROBSON, Miss Bella VAUGHAN, Miss HUDSPETH, Mr. SEFTON, Mr. SWANBOROUGH and many others.
Image of Madame Celine Celeste from Wiki Commons