Ryde Cemetery Education
What better place to start than Ryde Cemetery which dates from 1840. Ryde Social Heritage Group has produced a range of information and trail leaflets for the cemetery as well as resources for primary schools.
Many of the children’s activities can be run by school staff and if you wish to use the Cemetery Heritage and Learning Centre or have workshop leaders we can arrange this. Contact us here.
Here is a report about a class from Dover Park school that spent a whole day at the cemetery and had all their lessons there.
The Heritage and Learning Centre in Ryde Cemetery has excellent facilities including a classroom with tables, chairs, small kitchen area, toilet, computer suite and plenty of information relating to the history of the Cemetery, the flora and fauna, the people buried there and about the history of Ryde town. There is also exhibition space to display work carried out by school groups.
Download some of the RSHG learning resource materials
The 3-fold leaflets below are in pdf format and print double sided on A4.