Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Calendar 2024

Below is a list of future events in which Ryde Social Heritage Group will hope to participate.  Further details will be added when they are finalised.

October –
Beat Surgery by Ryde Police in the South Cemetery Chapel 1-2pm.
RSHG AGM and Social Morning at the George Street Centre, 10.30 till 12.30pm with a talk by Mark Earp entitled: I.W Cornucopia, “Innovation, Idealism and Identity.”  Refreshments and Raffle.

November –
9th Remembrance Service in the South Chapel at Ryde Cemetery 3pm. Refreshments afterwards.
15th for 5 weeks. Static Exhibition in Ryde Library.
19th Beat Surgery by Ryde Police in the South Cemetery Chapel 11am-12 mid-day.

December –
Christmas Drop-in (Day and time to be decided) 
Beat Surgery by Ryde Police in the South Cemetery Chapel 11am-12 mid-day.