Calendar 2025
Below is a list of future events in which Ryde Social Heritage Group will hope to participate. Further details will be added when they are finalised. These below are extra to the Heritage Centre being open every Tuesday 10am-2pm as usual.
February –
11th Beat Surgery by Ryde Police in the Ryde Cemetery South Chapel 11am-12 mid-day.
March –
11th Beat Surgery by Ryde Police in the Ryde Cemetery South Chapel 11am-12 mid-day.
April –
5th Social Morning at the Baptist Church, George Street, Ryde, 10.30 till 12.30 with a talk by Paul Kingswell called “An Isle of Wight Postcard Collection.” Refreshments and Raffle.
July –
5th Social Morning at the Baptist Church, George Street, Ryde, 10.30 till 12.30 with a talk by Mark Earp (title to be determined). Refreshments and Raffle.
October –
4th Social Morning & AGM at the Baptist Church, George Street, Ryde, 10.30 till 12.30 with a talk by Sam Biles (title to be determined). Refreshments and Raffle.