Grave Search
Our website database holds the transcription records and information on individuals buried in Ryde Cemeteries.
If you have not found what you are looking for please check again later as we are always adding records.
To date the database holds over 23,000 records.
Where memorials are currently visible on the ground, the information on them and the individuals are being transcribed and stored in this database. This is a large piece of work and will be continuing for the foreseeable future, please use the options below to search the current records. This database is growing all the time so please come back and visit in the future. In addition to the records in the database, an A-Z list of burials, drawn from cemetery records and maps, is available on our mapping pages. Not all of these records have been mapped or transcribed yet and some have no visible markers. If you have any questions please contact us.
We have 5 types of searches available: