June 2006 – Woodbine (Wild Honeysuckle)
The wild Honeysuckle or Woodbine is very similar to the cultivated variety. It is a robust climber, which can eventually reach a height of 6 metres. The creamy-white two-lipped flowers tend to change to yellowish and are often tinged with purple. They fill the air with an exquisite scent on warm days. They are pollinated at night by night-flying moths and in the daytime by long-tongued bumble-bees. The lower leaves, which are opposite, are stalked, whereas the upper ones are unstalked. The round berries become red as they ripen in the autumn.
Honeysuckle is reasonably common in woods, hedges, scrub, and shady places like rocks and cliffs on all soils throughout the British Isles.
Flowers from June to October and had bright red berries in autumn.
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