Butterfly Walk 1 July 2006
The Cemetery is home to a variety of insects, including moths and butterflies. RSHG arranged a Butterfly walk for 1 July, when Richard Smout lead a small but very enthusiastic group to see what was on the wing, and pointed out the range of plants that provide food for caterpillars, and nectar for adult butterflies. These habitats which include stinging nettles and Bird’s Foot Trefoil, are at risk if too much tidying up of the Cemetery is done. Luckily, there are some patches where the mowers and strimmers can’t reach, and the trees provide the dappled shade which is preferred by some species.
There were numerous specimens of Meadow Brown butterflies, and Sally-Ann was lucky enough to see courtship displays. The group spotted several other single butterflies: a Comma, a Speckled Wood, a Red Admiral, and an unidentified white butterfly, as well as a yellow shell moth. In addition, a damsel fly was seen, and several Hover flies; Bees were also in abundance.
A checklist was provided with photographs of some butterflies and moths that we hoped might be seen. Richard had a catching net and some viewing boxes, which came in handy for a small moth that was brought back to check with the books Richard had brought with him.

Richard Smout leading butterfly walk 1 July 2006
Grateful thanks go to Richard for his time and expertise.
If there is sufficient interest, a second walk will be held in August as there should be more adults flying, and perhaps some different specimens will be found.
Please let us know if you would be interested in attending a walk, by sending a note via the “Contact Us” page on the website. Tell us your name, give a contact number and/or email and the number of people who would be interested in attending. Thanks