Programme for 2007
There will be four Members' meetings next year, each with an invited speaker. Entry is by membership card, or £2 at the door.
The dates for the Members’ meeting next year are:
13th January, when Paul Donnellan will give a talk on Captain Goodwin Barnes, RAF
14th April, when Roy Brinton will talk about Early Ryde to 1840
14th July, when Richard Smout will provide information about Sources of Family History in Ryde
13th October, when Derek Warman will tell us about Michael Maybrick and other musicians of Ryde. This meeting will also be the AGM for 2007
Each meeting will be held at the George Street Centre, George Street, Ryde, from 10:30 to 12:30. Entry is by membership card, or £2 at the door.
In addition, the RSHG will hold four exhibitions in February/March, May, September and December – locations to be announced.