October 2007 – Our Successful AGM
RSHG held its AGM at the George Street Centre in Ryde at 10:30am on Saturday 13th October. The meeting was well attended with 32 members and 10 guests.
There were tables at the entrance of the room for people to sign in and collect the necessary paperwork including the latest Newsletter. There were also display boards at the side of the room showing some of exhibition materials produced by the Group. Copies of the booklet A Brief Guide to Ryde Cemetery and some picture cards were on sale at the entrance.
David Earle (Membership Secretary) opened the meeting and explained that he would be taking the Chair for the duration of the meeting.
The Annual report was delivered by Janette Gregson (Secretary) and a copy of that report can be seen by clicking on the article Annual Report for Ryde Social Heritage Group’s AGM.
Matthew Bell (Treasurer) gave a report on the Group’s Finances which showed current funds of £12,270. Matthew explained that most of this money is earmarked for specific outputs of the funded project and by the end of the project (early next year) most of this money will have been spent.
David Earle (Membership Secretary) gave a report on the membership as at the AGM – currently 50 members including one non-individual membership, of Ryde School.
The next item on the agenda was the Adoption of the amended Constitution. David reported that a considerable amount of time and effort had been put to improving the wording of the Constitution and members had been contacted about the proposed amendments. A few additional amendments had been suggested since then and these were listed on the papers handed out to Members as they entered the meeting. It was hoped that after this long, and sometimes difficult, process the Constitution could now be adopted with the suggested amendments. A vote was taken and carried by the majority with one abstention and no objections.
Next came the most important part of the AGM and the Election of the Committee. The only nominations received had been Chairperson – Janette Gregson, Secretary – Janette Gregson, Treasurer – Matthew Bell and Membership Secretary – David Earle. It was proposed that the Offices as stated be voted in as a group. There were no objections and the motion was carried by unanimous vote.
David proposed that the Group Leaders who had been co-opted on to the Committee during the last year now be formally elected on to the Committee: Ann Barrett – Research Group Leader, Carol Strong – Publications Group Leader, Rachael Mead – Schools Liaison. There were no objections and the motion was passed by unanimous vote.
The Work Group Leaders gave reports on progress during the past year – Ann Barrett reported on the work of the Research Group, David Earle reported on the Mapping Group, Janette Gregson on the Transcribing Group and Carol Strong read out the reports for the Publications, Family History and Natural History Groups.
At the end of the meeting one member suggested that at future meetings more should be made known of the work of the various work groups and Janette advised that the committee had been considering having a couple of the meetings in the coming year as more social events so that rather than having presentations there would be more opportunity to talk and get to know each other. Another member suggested that when we have more Open Days we should try to get schools involved and it was agreed this was a good idea.
Roger Whitby-Smith kindly offered his congratulations to the Group on its achievements and wished it continued success in the future.
To close the meeting Derek Warman gave a talk on the Life of Michael Maybrick, who was a Mayor of Ryde on five occasions. The presentation was illustrated with slides and examples of the music written and performed by Mr Maybrick under his stage name of Stephen Adams.
At the end of the Meeting David thanked Derek for the very interesting and entertaining presentation and he also thanked the Members present for their attendance and support.