October 2007 – RSHG Annual General Meeting
On Saturday 13th October 2007 at 10:30am we will be holding our second Annual General Meeting at the George Street Centre in Ryde.
All are welcome – entry is free to members and £2 to non- members. Only members will be able to vote on the election of officers, adoption of the Constitution and any other business of the Group. However there will be reports, from the Work Group Leaders, on the progress made throughout the year and an update on the progress of the Local Heritage Initiative funded project “Ryde’s Heritage – Our Town, Your Histories”.
There will also be display boards showing some of the results of our research.
As soon as the business of the AGM has been completed there will be an illustrated talk on the Life of Michael Maybrick by Derek Warman. Michael Maybrick was five times Mayor of Ryde and was also an internationally famous singer and composer under the name of Stephen Adams.