Ryde Cemetery Restoration Project
Our sister group, the Friends of Ryde Cemetery, held an Activity Day in Ryde Cemetery on 5th April 2008 in support of the Ryde Cemetery Restoration Project and here is a report from Janis Mundell the Project Co-ordinator:
A very successful Activity Day was enjoyed by our local community in Ryde Cemetery on Saturday 5th April 2008, and although cold, the sun shone nicely and the snow kindly held off until the next day!
The event was organised and hosted by the Friends of Ryde Cemetery, was held in support of the Ryde Cemetery Restoration programme and included information displays as well as supervised activity groups undertaking clearance of graves and reading of uncovered headstones; refreshments were also available which were very welcomed by both the visitors and the working parties alike.
The FORC ‘Activity Day’ was the first event to be held promoting the Restoration Project, which is being funded by the HLF in conjunction with IW Council. The day enabled members of the public, for the first time, to view inside the Old Mortuary Chapel in West Street and the North Chapel of the central twin buildings showing the original walls, windows, roofing and the extent of the decay. Both of these chapels are to be fully restored to their former Victorian Glory, including the replacement of the old Bell Tower in the central archway, along with the re-instatement of the railings in Pellhurst Road and repair of parts of the boundaries and central pathways.
FORC thoroughly enjoyed meeting the many visitors and talking about the project plans, displaying historic photographs and demonstrating grave clearing and transcribing techniques. The general interest and enthusiasm from the public was amazing and resulted in the recruitment of many new members on the day.
Visitors included members of SWAG (South West Action Group), Ryde Social Heritage Group, local schools, neighbourhood watch, community police, families, local community members and the project Co-ordinator.
FORC would welcome any new members to join their group and take part in the many volunteering opportunities that will be available over the next few months – it’s great fun, really interesting and a nice way of making friends too!
For further information please write to Kathie Gibbs at 10 Pitt Street, Ryde, IW or call the project Co-ordinator (Janis Mundell) on 07807 159605.