Report from July Meeting
David welcomed all to the meeting and explained the next meeting in October would be the AGM and he urged all members to consider if they might be able to help and put themselves forward for the Committee.
Chairman’s Report – Janette explained that a great deal had happened since the meeting in April:
* First of all we published a book! Janette said she hoped that everyone is as pleased with the book as she is.
* In May we had the finished interpretation panel installed in the display case in Ryde Cemetery, and there have been lots of good comments about it from people visiting the cemetery.
* We had the Book Launch and Project Celebration evening at the beginning of June and that was a very successful event attended by about 120 people. Janette had given a presentation on the achievements of the project and Roy had given an illustrated talk on some of the people buried in Ryde Cemetery.
* The following week Janette and Rachael had represented RSHG at the National Federation of Cemetery Friends’ AGM at Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park in London.
* Then on July 6 as part of Ryde Arts Festival Week we had teamed up with the Friends of Ryde Cemetery, Bereavement Services and the IW Council’s Cemetery Restoration Board and held an Open and Activity Day in Ryde Cemetery. Despite the terrible weather the day was well attended and everyone thought it was a great success.
* Janette advised that good progress is being made with the Cemetery Restoration Project – planning permission has been granted and the plans have been given Building Regulations approval, now they have to go to the Diocese and to the HLF for final approval and it is hoped that work on the buildings can start before the end of the year.
* Display in St Thomas Church – following on from the Open and Activity Day our exhibition and the display boards about the Ryde Cemetery Restoration Project were moved down to St Thomas Church, which has recently been vacated by the previous tenant and was open from Monday to Friday of the Arts Festival Week under the supervision of Carol Strong and some volunteers from RSHG. Over 150 people went to look at the Church during the week.
Update on Membership – David advised that we now have 64 members, David also announced that he will be resigning as Membership Secretary at the AGM and emphasised the need for another Member to take over otherwise an unacceptable burden would be placed on existing Committee Members.
Finance Report – Our finances show that we still have a healthy bank balance although of course we no longer have the cushion of the grant funding. Janette advised that we will have to consider how we carry on in the coming year and we hope to have some information on that for the AGM.
Mapping Report – David advised that the whole of the Old Parish Cemetery and the whole of the Old Cemetery have now been mapped (total of 30 maps) which has taken three years to complete. David announced his intention to resign with immediate effect as Mapping Group Leader.
Janette thanked David for all the time and effort he has devoted to producing work of such high quality and there was a round of applause for David from those present.
Transcribing – Janette reported that we have now transcribed the inscriptions for just over 5,200 individuals and she hoped that we would be able to complete transcribing the whole of the Old Cemetery by the AGM. After that we would like to continue and eventually transcribe the whole of the cemetery, but of course with David’s resignation from the Mapping Group this might be difficult and some thought would have to be given as to how we can continue with the work. Janette announced that there would be a break in the Transcribing Group meetings for three weeks as she needed to concentrate on preparing the End of Project Report to send to HLF.
Research Group – Ann explained that in the last quarter almost 250 names have had additional information added to the records. 106 records have been corrected and the Looking Back feature is up to date. Ann urged members to read the Looking Back feature and also to check the files that have had additional information added as they are often very interesting. Ann asked if anyone could help with the research she always welcomes assistance.
Publications – Carol reported that the book Ryde’s Heritage, Our Town, Your Histories has received some great reviews and is available to buy from Ryde Bookshop, the County Press shop in Newport, from the Tourist Information Centres and direct from us. The publications team has also prepared the display boards and folders for the Project Celebration evening and for the Open day. This quarter’s newsletter celebrates the successes of the group.
Other News and Future Events – Janette advised that following on from the success of the Cemetery Open Day in July and the Heritage Open Days last September we would be participating in the Heritage Open Days again this coming September on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 Sept. We hope that this can be another collaboration with the Friends of Ryde Cemetery, Bereavement Services and the IW Council Cemetery Restoration Project.
Presentation – Following on from the business of the meeting Roger Whitby-Smith gave a very informative and interesting talk on early Ryde and some of the significant houses in the town.