Ryde Social Heritage Group research the social history of the citizens of Ryde, Isle of Wight. Documenting their lives, businesses and burial transcriptions.
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Nature in Ryde Cemetery – October 2008

Morning dew on spiders' webs

It was a beautiful autumnal day when Diana, Kate and I did our monthly nature walk.

There was a lot of fungi and although Diana took photos, it has been very difficult to accurately identify them with the exception of Fairy Club – Clavaria fragilis, and Shaggy Ink-cap – Coprinus comatus, both of these have very distinctive shapes.

Fairy Club

Fairy Club

Shaggy Inkcap

Shaggy Inkcap

Many of the trees and bushes still had masses of berries and hips Hawthorn, Holly, Cotoneaster and Laurel to name a few.  One particular Rose bush in the Old cemetery had not only hips but also at least three roses still in bloom.

Rose Hips and Rose

Rose Hips and Rose

The leaves of the Beech Trees are now a beautiful golden-orange and make a very cheery sight, the Oaks are also turning golden brown, and at Pellhurst Road end we found nestling on the ground a Horse Chestnut still cocooned in it’s “shell”. The local boys must have missed this one when they were foraging for conkers.

Beech leaves

Beech leaves



While transcribing a grave and removing some  of the weed, etc Diana and Kate discovered a Green Shield Bug, Palomona prasina, also a lot of anaemic looking woodlice. A Speckled Wood butterfly also visited them.

Green Shield Bug

Green Shield Bug

Speckled Wood butterfly

Speckled Wood butterfly



Maisie Kitching

18 October 2008

More nature photographs:

Toadstools (unidentified)

Toadstools (unidentified)



Holly berries

Holly berries

Toadstools (unidentified)

Toadstools (unidentified)

Toadstools (unidentified)

Toadstools (unidentified)

Toadstools (unidentified)

Toadstools (unidentified)

Toadstools (unidentified)

Toadstools (unidentified)

Toadstools (unidentified)

Toadstools (unidentified)

Autumn berries

Autumn berries

Toadstool (unidentified)

Toadstool (unidentified)



Morning dew on spiders' webs

Morning dew on spiders’ webs

Morning dew on spiders' webs

Morning dew on spiders’ webs

Tree fungi (unidentified)

Tree fungi (unidentified)

The list of plants and insects we find in the cemetery is ever increasing and if, when you visit the cemetery, you should notice anything that would be of interest, please let us know by making contact through the Contact Us page of the website.


Photographs contributed by Diana Wood and Janette Gregson