RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 2009 – Ryde Cemetery results
For the second year RSHG members took part in the annual RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch on Saturday 24 January 2009 to count the number of birds in Ryde Cemetery.
The team spent an hour on a pleasant sunny but cold morning recording species and the maximum number of each seen at any one time. The survey has been a regular RSPB event since 1979 and charts the bird population nationwide year on year. The results will be available at the end of March on the RSPB website
This year we spotted 11 species in Ryde Cemetery:
Blue Tit
Carrion Crow
Feral Pigeon
House Sparrow
The results are different to 2008, when 14 different species were spotted. Notably fewer chaffinches and no starlings were seen this year. The green woodpecker was also missing on the day but has since been spotted on sunny afternoons at the Pellhurst Road end of the cemetery.
The weather over the last few months has probably played a part in the changing bird population and we will wait to see if the same trend is shown nationwide. We hope with Spring approaching the numbers will increase again.